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Paul Amp made by Pine electronics

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  • Paul Amp made by Pine electronics

    Hello all, Long time lurker first time poster. I have just come into a Paul amp from the 60's I believe? I know very little about this amp BASS MK II

    Ive included a pic or 2
    hope you can help
    also The speaker is a Jensen and since it weighs very little so I'm assuming their is no MAgnet in the speaker.

    I appologize seeing as I know very little about amps
    It has 3 power tubes big ones and 3 pre tubes smaller ones

    here are some pics

    I have higher res pics but I uploaded these so they wouldn't take up so much space

    Last edited by jaysunhoffman; 12-02-2006, 12:23 AM.

  • #2
    I've seen lots of variations of these Canadian-made budget amps. Most were combos with an 8" speaker, single-ended and had series-string heaters. The
    last characteristic made them extremely unsafe to use. If yours doesn't have a power transformer then it has series-string heaters. I've never seen a head and cabinet before but have a "Supreme" combo large enough to put a 15"
    speaker in but with only an 8", also made by Pine.


    • #3
      The fact that is has 6 tubes in it makes it unlikely that it has series heaters. Besides, IMO the danger in those amps is overstated, but I digress.

      The Jensen would have to have a magnet, it would not operate without one. Could you post a pic, or a link, of it? A wide shot of the speaker plus a close up of the numbers on it would help identify it.

      Also, could you list the types of tubes it has, that would help identify what type of amp it is.

      I'm confused on the help your looking for with the amp, are you having problems with it? Just want to know more about it?

      Cool looking amp BTW.


      • #4

        I have one of these. A tiny lil combo I bought strictly because my name is Paul. Is this one for sale?? Horribly constructed lil cardboard monsters. Mine sounds kinda.. Eh, ya know? Nothing special. Just like an anemic champ. The look is cool though and they have my name on em!
        This post is for entertainment purposes only.


        • #5
          Hey there,
          I have a little 'Paul' valve combo made by the Pepco company of Canada.
          I bought it a couple of years back on Fleabay and it's mainly been sitting un-used since then but when I recently plugged it in, I was stunned by how pure a tone this little thing produces.
          It seems to work perfectly with the one exception of the tone control making no change to the sound. (someone posted on another site the self same problem)
          However, a couple of posts I have come across, suggest this could be very dangerous to use since it has no power transformer and is earthed direct to the chassis!
          I'm very concerned by the post above that reads "I've seen lots of variations of these Canadian-made budget amps. Most were combos with an 8" speaker, single-ended and had series-string heaters. The last characteristic made them extremely unsafe to use."
          I've done some major trawling of the internet and come up with only minor details, so I'm wondering if anyone here could help me with more info than was last reported here, or even a schematic so that I can get this thing checked out by a qualified engineer.
          Any help would be gratefully accepted.
          Thanks in advance


          • #6
            A schematic for the amp may be non-existent. It is not uncommon for techs to draw up their own schematic, however, that can be time consuming and expensive, you may want to do that job yourself (it's a great learning experience!).

            What tubes does the amp use? If it does use series heating you can purchase an isolation transformer to plug the amp into, making it much safer than just plugging into the mains. I've permanently mounted isolation transformers in some small amps with series heaters.

