I just bought an old roland fc100 midi foot controller off ebay, with the intention of using it control ableton live's midi features. when it arrived, i realised i'd made a small mistake. there was no midi output and no power supply!
i now realise this is cos the fc100 is used to control the roland GT6 or GT8, and the midi and power supply are replaced by roland's own RRC cable format. so does anyone know how hard/easy it would be to replace the RRC with a standard midi output and a power supply?
the only thing i can find online about this is here: http://f16.parsimony.net/forum27394/messages/321.htm
if anyone could help, i haven't done electronics since college, and figured this was the place to come.
many thanks
I just bought an old roland fc100 midi foot controller off ebay, with the intention of using it control ableton live's midi features. when it arrived, i realised i'd made a small mistake. there was no midi output and no power supply!
i now realise this is cos the fc100 is used to control the roland GT6 or GT8, and the midi and power supply are replaced by roland's own RRC cable format. so does anyone know how hard/easy it would be to replace the RRC with a standard midi output and a power supply?
the only thing i can find online about this is here: http://f16.parsimony.net/forum27394/messages/321.htm
if anyone could help, i haven't done electronics since college, and figured this was the place to come.
many thanks