Boot locked computer into live Ubuntu USB open a terminal sudo lsblk (to identify Linux OS partition) sudo mkdir /mnt/myroot sudo mount /dev/sdXY /mnt/myroot (sdxy is obtained from line 4) sudo chroot /mnt/myroot (switch to root of locked linux OS with this step) # ls to see directories cd home ls (to see user account, or accounts) Example (my linux machine) Man5 terry]# cd /home [Man5 home]# ls terry (user account is terry) change passwd of terry, and root if want root to have its own password example [Man5 home]# passwd terry New password: Retype new password: passwd: password updated successfully example for root [Man5 home]# passwd root New password: Retype new password: passwd: password updated successfully exit and unmount from chroot exit sudo umount /mnt/myroot reboot and login into locked OS with new passwords