I ordered the parts for my 2204 build last week, I got a big confused abput the selection for power tubes socket.
At first, the Belton ones appeared to be the best option, but the "solder before bending the tabs" confused so I googled a bit and found that the tabs were very fragile.
All of their ceramic offerings seemed to have some quirks, and I read about low-quality ceramics not being any better than a good quality plastic.
So I went and ordered the MIP (molded in plate) plastic ones.
I'm having second thoughts...
I'm assuming that they are most likely more than enough.
At first, the Belton ones appeared to be the best option, but the "solder before bending the tabs" confused so I googled a bit and found that the tabs were very fragile.
All of their ceramic offerings seemed to have some quirks, and I read about low-quality ceramics not being any better than a good quality plastic.
So I went and ordered the MIP (molded in plate) plastic ones.
I'm having second thoughts...
I'm assuming that they are most likely more than enough.