Now that my 100w version of a B15 is finally humming it's time to go
Has anyone attempted to build an SVT before ? any advice ?
I'm looking at KOC Schematic in TUT3, but not lovin his simplified pre-amp
and his exclusive use of Hammond transformers seems to make this more expensive
than using stock SVT replacement transformers.
The Joe Piazza schematic from 1970 looks good but not sure what chassis to use.
The only chassis I can think of is the Hammond 17x10x3 and KOC recommends adding a stiffening panel to support the weight.
Has anyone attempted to build an SVT before ? any advice ?
I'm looking at KOC Schematic in TUT3, but not lovin his simplified pre-amp
and his exclusive use of Hammond transformers seems to make this more expensive
than using stock SVT replacement transformers.
The Joe Piazza schematic from 1970 looks good but not sure what chassis to use.
The only chassis I can think of is the Hammond 17x10x3 and KOC recommends adding a stiffening panel to support the weight.