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Peavey Ultra 112 "buzz" problem

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  • Peavey Ultra 112 "buzz" problem

    Lately my Ultra 112 is noisier on the crunch and Ultra channels. Thought it was interference or something. Clean channel no noise. Crunch channel gets noisier (hum/buzz but not too bad) as the gain is increased and same with the Ultra channel but worse with its higher gain.( I replaced all the tubes with no change since Ive got plenty around just to be sure it wasnt them.)

    Like I stated I thought it was just interference or something as it sounds like the same buzz you get when your guitar picks up interference from lights,TV etc. however for some reason I banged on the top and the noise quieted down. I had an aha! moment. Soooo.... theres a bad connection somewhere. Given the nature of the noise getting louder with increased gain Im hoping someone can point me in the right direction.

    I opened it up ,made sure he caps were drained, and looked around . Didnt see anything or coarse. I did see plenty of ribbon cables with those quick lock type of connections though. Any idea's? TIA Bob
    "Reality is an illusion albeit a very persistant one " Albert Einstein

  • #2
    If you've given it a whack and the noise has gone, then there is almost definitely something loose inside and your first inspection has missed it. Have another good look Or turn the amp on and have a poke round inside with a chopstick or some other insulated implement.


    • #3
      Originally posted by izzybell2810 View Post
      If you've given it a whack and the noise has gone, then there is almost definitely something loose inside and your first inspection has missed it. Have another good look Or turn the amp on and have a poke round inside with a chopstick or some other insulated implement.
      Yeah thats my next step I guess. I was hoping somebody might be able to point me in the right direction considering the nature of the problem. Lot of area to cover inside the amp. I really dig the amp -not fond of the multiple ribbon copnnectors in it though. Bob
      "Reality is an illusion albeit a very persistant one " Albert Einstein


      • #4
        SO take each and every ribbon, pull it most of the way off, then push it back down. This will refresh the contact surface.

        And something that wouldn;t be the ribbons fault is cracked solder on the male ribbon connectors. FLip the boards ovder and look closely at the solder, Look at ribbon headers, jacks, controls, larger parts like power resistors, and don;t forget the tube sockets.

        While running, wiggle each tube in its socket. Does that trigger any symptom?

        And make sure all the nuts on the control shafts are tight. Make sure the mounting bolts on the transformers are tight. ALl those contribute to grounding.
        Education is what you're left with after you have forgotten what you have learned.


        • #5
          Thanks Enzo -will do. FWIW- I did try taking them off but the larger ones were very tight. I was afraid of breaking them. BTW- just wondering-you wouldnt happen to be tmenzo from the Peavey board? Bob
          "Reality is an illusion albeit a very persistant one " Albert Einstein


          • #6
            The Mighty Enzo - tm enzo

            Why yes that is me. SInce they went to the new software I am back to just Enzo there. When I first joined PV years ago someone already had the name Enzo registered, believe it or not. So I added the initials there.
            Education is what you're left with after you have forgotten what you have learned.


            • #7
              Update: OK following Enzo's advice I checked a few things. A few of the pots the nuts had backed off. The jacks werent the tightest either.All tight now. I took off the ribbon connectors(man they were tight) and sprayed them with contact cleaner. Sprayed all the tube sockets and jacks too. Checked the tranny bolts and any other screw /bolt I could find. Put it all back together and so far so good. Banged it hard a few times on top and it stayed quite. Hopefully it will stay that way. Ive owned this amp since it was new and love it! The Ultra series were some of PV's best high gain amps IMO.
              Ah, I was posting this as you replied "tmenzo"! It was a bit of a stretch- tmenzo ....enzo but something about your posts made me think it was you. You helped a lot of guys over there myself included. And again so! , Thanks much,Bob

              Thanks guys Bob
              "Reality is an illusion albeit a very persistant one " Albert Einstein


              • #8
                and where is this peavey board url wise?
                Warning! Some Electronics devices contain lethal voltages that can kill you. If you do not feel qualified to work with dangerous voltages, refer your repairs to a qualified technician. By giving you online advice, I am assuming no liability for any injury or damages you might incur through your own actions.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by bnwitt View Post
                  and where is this peavey board url wise?

                  Just found it myself! here it is. bob


                  "Reality is an illusion albeit a very persistant one " Albert Einstein


                  • #10
                    The PV forum just completely replaced their software, and everyone had to re-register. It hasn't quite settled down into what it wants to be yet, but most of the regulars have landed back there. It is not as technical as this board. But they do discuss endlessly various speaker and tube changes to their PV amps. I don't profess to know which speaker is best for which amp. Drop by.
                    Education is what you're left with after you have forgotten what you have learned.


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