I just finished building a Fender Pro-Reverb based on the AB763 circuit. It works and I can hear some good tone but there is a loud hum when I take it off stand-by. The tremolo intensity knob has a switch and when I turn on the tremolo, the hum gets quieter but is still there. volume knob on trem channel also increases/decreases ampliltude of hum. I removed all the tubes and tested them, also tested the filter caps with ESR meter and everything checks out. I installed the tubes starting with the rectifier and working my way towards the preamps. The amp was quiet until I installed the reverb return tube. So I started checking the reverb transformer with the driving tube removed (12AT7) and found that the resistance to ground from the red and blue winding was changing. It starts at 30M and slowly falls to 100k then moves up again. I'm thinking this winding is shorted. Ideas?
Thanks guys. I love this forum!
Thanks guys. I love this forum!