Thought I'd post this...I had somebody drop off a Randall combo amp a few days ago, and he wanted me to replace the input jack...which he a Fender package...yes it was a new one....So I tested it first to make sure of the problem, then went ahead and took the amp apart and removed the input board...had to remove the output board and slide it back in order to get the input board out so it could be worked on. Somebody was already in there and re-soldered the input jack...huge blobs of solder on the pins...pads not fully covered with solder, I replaced it and tested the amp........went to install the input board, the screw hole in the rear corner of the circuit board on the input jack side, would not line up with the metal stand off that was there.....I thought first that the board was not fully seated but after sizing this up, it turns out that the input jack was slightly larger than the original ........just enough so that the hole on the board and the hole in the stand off was off by half of the hole diameter and that was enough so that the screw could not be I had to enlarge the hole in the circuit board and then I had to place an insulating washer between the trace side of the board and the top of the metal stand-off so that there was no way that something could short out...I was going to install a plastic stand off but didn't have the right height...and he wanted it done fast...but I had this issue and at first it threw me off as both jacks looked identical....there was about a millimeter in the difference in the size....go figure.....