I usually find that Deoxit and a couple of lightly rotated insertions works fine. I have tub full of 12au7's from an old, but lightly used Conn organ that got left out in the rain and then abandoned by the owner. The pins aren't rusty, just sort of mottled with a black oxide. I clean them with Deoxit and a brass toothbrush. Well, I guess it's not technically a toothbrush
but that's the shape. Seems to work fine and no conductive dust or scratches on the pins.
I have cleaned badly oxidized jack contacts with fine sand paper though. Very lightly. But they have to be really bad and I have to be in a remote location without a proper replacement jack because many (if not most) jacks are plated.

I have cleaned badly oxidized jack contacts with fine sand paper though. Very lightly. But they have to be really bad and I have to be in a remote location without a proper replacement jack because many (if not most) jacks are plated.