Alright, here's another opportunity for me to learn more about repairing SS amps, as my knowledge is extremely limited.
Customer brings in an amp he picked up that apparently worked fine when it was put in a closet 15 years ago. First fire up the other day, it blows a fuse on him. So what does he do? Shorts across the fuse, of course
He said something burned up at that point.
I just opened it up, and can confirm that one of the 1R 5W is open. I'm not sure which one it is on the schematic, but its on the far right looking at the board . That's all i got. Where do I go from here?
I imagine I should start by disconnecting the power supply from the power amp and see if it holds? I've circled the 1R resistors on the schematic
PC703 (rev4 1-70).pdf
Customer brings in an amp he picked up that apparently worked fine when it was put in a closet 15 years ago. First fire up the other day, it blows a fuse on him. So what does he do? Shorts across the fuse, of course
He said something burned up at that point.
I just opened it up, and can confirm that one of the 1R 5W is open. I'm not sure which one it is on the schematic, but its on the far right looking at the board . That's all i got. Where do I go from here?
I imagine I should start by disconnecting the power supply from the power amp and see if it holds? I've circled the 1R resistors on the schematic
PC703 (rev4 1-70).pdf