I have a Marshall 1987x Mk II Plexi 50W head on the bench, doing preventative maintenance. After swapping out the power tubes and re-biasing, next checking to see if everything works, I find going thru either input 1 jacks, using the Normal Ch volume (Loudness 1) pot, turning the volume pot up for the High Treble Volume (Loudness 2) adds loads of top end with nothing plugged into the #2 jacks. HF leakage, obviously. I just don't see the path for it. All of the input jacks are properly grounded, the two volume pots are grounded to the common buss bar that is soldered to the back side of all the front panel pots. I get solid ground to the chassis from that buss, as well as from the jacks. The normals on Ch 2 input jacks are all grounding the inputs to the second half of the input tube, as each channel has it's own half of that input tube. Swapped out the input tube, same thing.
I don't recall this problem before, though perhaps because I hadn't looked for it. Not that this is necessarily a bad thing, having an additional 'Brilliant Control' to add to the top end of the Normal Channel, but, somethings seems amiss. The High Treble channel works........top end that will make dog's whine 3 blocks away.
I don't recall this problem before, though perhaps because I hadn't looked for it. Not that this is necessarily a bad thing, having an additional 'Brilliant Control' to add to the top end of the Normal Channel, but, somethings seems amiss. The High Treble channel works........top end that will make dog's whine 3 blocks away.