Hello everyone! I picked up a used Jet City 22H head today from a guy who says his son was trying to do modifications to it and it works but is unplayable. I gave him 75 bucks for it and brought it home and plugged it in to a 1x12 cab and everything turned on and seemed fine, including the footswitch working, until I strummed a chord.
The amp is so saturated and overly-distorted on both the crunch and lead channels that it sounds like a fuzz box an steroids is inside it! The volume knobs work as well as the tone controls but the gain knobs have absolutely no affect whatsoever on the insane amount of distortion. They don't make any change at all.
I looked for schematics on the 'net but the sites I found couldn't agree if they were accurate or not so I don't have one available... sorry.
The amp has 5 12ax7's and two el84's in it and I listened to a couple videos on you tube and they were nowhere near this full-blown. It isn't playable at all in this condition. I haven't had a chance to pull the chassis out and have a look but thought maybe someone could head me in the right direction before I do.
Thanks for everything in advance. You guys have been great!
The amp is so saturated and overly-distorted on both the crunch and lead channels that it sounds like a fuzz box an steroids is inside it! The volume knobs work as well as the tone controls but the gain knobs have absolutely no affect whatsoever on the insane amount of distortion. They don't make any change at all.
I looked for schematics on the 'net but the sites I found couldn't agree if they were accurate or not so I don't have one available... sorry.
The amp has 5 12ax7's and two el84's in it and I listened to a couple videos on you tube and they were nowhere near this full-blown. It isn't playable at all in this condition. I haven't had a chance to pull the chassis out and have a look but thought maybe someone could head me in the right direction before I do.
Thanks for everything in advance. You guys have been great!