Hi there! I've determined to eliminate the rectifier tube from a small amp project, going with two diodes for a full-wave rectifier. The original rectifier (6ca4) eats too much filament current for the transformer, and my attempt to use a 6x4 in its place resulted in too low a B+ voltage.
I'm wondering how to easily deal with the inrush voltage from diode rectification.
Can I effectively tame this by putting 5w+ resistors in each leg of the HV prior to rectification? And if so, what would be your suggested values/ratings?
Tube compliment = 2 6AQ5's, 1 12ax7, 1 12at7
Thanks for your time and help!
I'm wondering how to easily deal with the inrush voltage from diode rectification.
Can I effectively tame this by putting 5w+ resistors in each leg of the HV prior to rectification? And if so, what would be your suggested values/ratings?
Tube compliment = 2 6AQ5's, 1 12ax7, 1 12at7
Thanks for your time and help!