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The Android device sticky thread...

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  • #31
    I disagree with Khan's assessment, also, but I think it depends largely on how you use your device. It's my understanding that when you use an app, much of it's info stays in memory even after you close the app so that next time you open it, it opens faster. If you use that particular app often, that's probably a good thing. If you're like me (a casual user), probably not. That app, which is "semi-open" is using memory and storage, checking for notifications, etc., slowing the device down. For example, I check the weather in the morning and then I don't need the app again the rest of the day, with some exceptions. I see no reason for the app to be sitting there doing things and wasting space when I'm done with it. Another example and huge resource hog: I don't have a Facebook page, but my band does. I check it in the morning and at night before I go to bed. Does it need to run all day telling me every time somebody posts something? No. When I want to know what's going on there, I'll look. In fact, I shut off notifications for every app I don't need notifications from. Otherwise, they are constantly checking for what I consider useless information, or at least information that can wait until I'm ready to see it. In fact, and this is off track a bit, but nonetheless useful. If you go to settings- applications- application manager- you can go down the list of apps and shut off notifications for any apps you don't want connecting. Also, a lot of apps upload usage data and you can disable this feature in the settings of many of the apps. IMO, closing unused apps, stopping notifications, opting out of uploading usage data, etc. not only makes the device run faster, but also substantially improves battery life. This part isn't just a theory. I've proven this with the devices I own.

    Edit: Another reason to opt out of notifications and usage data uploads is that it can substantially decrease the amount of data you use if you are on a limited data plan. Surprisingly, I've found that Clean Master itself is one of the worst offenders. You'll want to uncheck "apply holiday themes", "user experience program", all of the weather settings, and "notifications" (unless you want them). Other apps will have similar settings.
    Last edited by The Dude; 09-01-2016, 01:15 AM.
    "I took a photo of my ohm meter... It didn't help." Enzo 8/20/22


    • #32
      Originally posted by The Dude View Post
      Oh shizz! Sorry, Steve. It works well for me, but there are different options on what it cleans. I must have not ever used the option that you did. My apologies for causing your files to be deleted. I'm a bit stumped, though. On my phone and tablets, there are boxes you can check before cleaning so that you can choose what to clean and what to leave alone. I'm surprised you weren't presented with that option.
      But I was going through the checkboxes but inadvertently hit something that initiated the cleaning process. "But I'm not done unchecking the boxes!" My guess is that they removed the confirmation prompt to "dumb down" the app and make more room for ads...

      I was just checking out the 360 Security app which looks pretty good and might replace the Avast Anti-Virus app as well as Clean Master (which I haven't given up on yet):

      Steve Ahola

      P.S. No apologies necessary... it was me who screwed up.
      Last edited by Steve A.; 09-01-2016, 01:45 AM.
      The Blue Guitar
      Some recordings:


      • #33
        Originally posted by The Dude View Post
        I disagree with Khan's assessment, also, but I think it depends largely on how you use your device.
        IMO Shad Khan is a pompous know-it-all asshole who probably never even looked into the Clean Master app specifically, just lumping it together with all sorts of unneeded booster apps going back to the Advanced Task Killer app that everybody used back in 2009.

        But yes all of this depends on how you use your mobile device. I switched from iOS to Android because it offered more freedom to do your own thang...

        Also, a lot of apps upload usage data and you can disable this feature in the settings of many of the apps. IMO, closing unused apps, stopping notifications, opting out of uploading usage data, etc. not only makes the device run faster, but also substantially improves battery life. This part isn't just a theory. I've proven this with the devices I own.
        I agree! I've noticed definite improvements in how often Chrome has to reload a particular webpage when RAM and storage space are low. Like composing a post here at MEF, jumping over to another page or two to research the issue and returning to find your text entry box gone. BTW does anyone know how to use the Auto Save feature here? I gave up and compose most of my posts using Evernote and then pasting the text into the text entry box here...


        P.S. Remember back in the good old days when everybody was using the abbreviation IMHO and the outliers who started using IMO were wise-guy jerks trying to be funny...?
        Last edited by Steve A.; 09-01-2016, 01:40 AM.
        The Blue Guitar
        Some recordings:


        • #34
          I don't want to be responsible for anyone getting a virus on their android device, so this isn't a recommendation. I'm just passing along what I've read here and there. I would say the majority of "experts" agree that antivirus apps are not necessary on the android platform. You can do some Google searching and probably read the same info I have. My understanding is that it's difficult for a virus to install via android as apps need confirmation from the user before they can install. I originally had the AVG app on my devices. It never detected anything-...... ever, so I removed it. I've been using android devices for years and never gotten a virus. Occasionally, a web page will notify you that you've been infected. However, it's just a trick to get you to click the notice and take you to another page. Just don't click the notification and you are fine. Again, I don't want to be responsible for screwing up someone else's device, so "at your own risk". I'm only saying it's my opinion that you don't need antivirus on the android platform.
          "I took a photo of my ohm meter... It didn't help." Enzo 8/20/22


          • #35

            Your link in post #32 doesn't work for me. It says URL not found......
            "I took a photo of my ohm meter... It didn't help." Enzo 8/20/22


            • #36
              Originally posted by The Dude View Post

              Your link in post #32 doesn't work for me. It says URL not found......
              Thanks! I corrected the post with this link...


              I had deleted the "&hl=en" at the end thinking that it was unneeded... I guess not!


              P.S. I tend to visit some of the seedier sites on the internet and am *always* getting those damned popups saying that my tablet is infected, even naming the tablet I am using to scare me... Oooh- I'm really scared!

              I'm just trying to get rid of the pop-ups although I have a few security issues related to side-loading apps rather than going through the Play Store. So I installed Avast! a few weeks ago thinking it might help with the pop-ups (it hasn't.)

              In any case although we haven't really needed AV apps for Android in the past that doesn't mean that we won't need them sometime in the future. The Mac OS is based on Unix (like Android) and it was immune from viruses for many years but I read about one awhile back...

              FWIW I have the antivirus module toggled off in 360 Security...
              The Blue Guitar
              Some recordings:


              • #37
                More on Clean Master...

                I've been trying out the various versions of Clean Master on my Samsung Tab 4 7.0 and anything before 5.0 is fairly primitive. I have decided to use version because it has a more modern interface and there is a big difference between the Junk Files found in the Standard and Advanced modes (163MB vs 395MB). In version 5.3.0 the difference was 318MB vs* 395MB which means that the Standard mode was a lot more aggressive (I like having a wider choice of options between Standard and Advanced.)

                The subsequent versions through the last one I recommend ( got progressively more aggressive, with the Standard mode recommending 980MB and the Advanced mode recommending 1.82GB of files to be cleaned.

                NOTE: All of these figures are for the tablet which was inadvertently cleaned earlier today with one subsequent mild cleaning by 360 Security. Caches may have increased a little bit since that time.

                So why do I not recommend any version higher than* With version (released 12/10/2014) the whole user interface was all screwed up with Cheetah more interested in advertising additional products than serving their existing customers. Good luck finding Settings to customize the app - everywhere you click you are presented with more apps to download. FWIW version* was only slightly smaller (961MB vs 1.82GB).

                In any case I figured out how I inadvertently initiated the cleaning process- it's kinda hard to miss the CLEAN JUNK bar at the bottom of the screen...

                Although I have not used Clean Master ver. long enough to actually recommend it I am fairly certain it will help with space management on my tablets. But definitely stay away from any version from and up- with that release the company turned to the dark side! (I guess those versions might be okay if you go with the default settings and don't care about saving any data files on your mobile device - especially on a smart phone - but I intentionally download files and save screenshots for my clipping archive.)

                Here is a link to the page on Android Drawer with all of the versions of Clean Master. Note: Android will allow you to upgrade from an older version but will usually require you to uninstall the app to downgrade to an earlier version. So start with the oldest version and work your way up to newer ones...


                Here is the link at UpToDown:


                To avoid all of the ads on those websites here is the link to my Dropbox folder named Clean Master:


                Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot_2016-08-31-22-23-55.png
Views:	1
Size:	100.1 KB
ID:	843436

                Steve Ahola

                P.S. I am still too scared to press the CLEAN JUNK bar at the bottom to see if I get a confirmation prompt on at least some of the versions. (I may wait until I do a factory restore on one of my tablets... with nothing of any importance to lose.)

                P.P.S. The Dude, thanks for the recommendation! It was my fumble fingers that caused the deletion of 750MB of files (I had already uploaded 99% of the files I wanted to save to Dropbox but I did want to see exactly what CM intended to delete first.) BTW can you post which version you are using now?

                Clean Master should save me a lot of time searching for files with ES File Explorer version Yes, while some people are connoisseurs of vintage wines I am a connoisseur of vintage apps and programs...
                Last edited by Steve A.; 09-01-2016, 11:34 PM.
                The Blue Guitar
                Some recordings:


                • #38
                  I'm using version 5.13.8 on my phone (Galaxy Note 4). Not sure what version on my tablets (they're at home). I can certainly look when I get home. I just let the Play Store update my devices, so I don't really keep track of versions. I will say that I did notice that starting back a few updates ago, the ads got more intrusive. Since it's not an app that I use constantly and just for occasional cleaning, the ads don't bother me much. On a side note, all of my devices have SD memory cards installed, so I keep any important files on the cards. I don't believe Clean Master messes with the card- at least I've never had it delete anything from them. SD cards are cheap. If your device dies, you still have your files. Just stick the card in the next device. You can easily transfer files- just stick the card in the device you are transferring to.
                  "I took a photo of my ohm meter... It didn't help." Enzo 8/20/22


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by The Dude View Post
                    I'm using version 5.13.8 on my phone (Galaxy Note 4). Not sure what version on my tablets (they're at home). I can certainly look when I get home. I just let the Play Store update my devices, so I don't really keep track of versions.
                    On my PC I learned to avoid automatic updates... why screw with it once a program was working well with my hardware and OS? I would look into new features and check reviews before downloading the new version of anything.

                    I practice the same philosophy with my unrooted Samsung tablets first released in July 2013 and May 2014 as well as with my rooted Sero 7 Pro tablet released in May 2013 (the DOPA ROM turned it into a first-generation Nexus 7 super-powered clone with microSD and miniHDMI slots.) They all run KitKat so why screw around with updates that are mainly developed to accommodate the features of Android 5 and 6 devices?

                    Consider the various computers in your house like your DVD/BD player or microwave. Do their mfg's insist on upgrading the software whether you want to or not? It's an appliance and I would not bother with an update unless there was a serious bug that needed to be corrected. So I view my 2009 HP desktop and 2013/14 tablets as being appliances that are working just fine, thank you.

                    I will say that I did notice that starting back a few updates ago, the ads got more intrusive. Since it's not an app that I use constantly and just for occasional cleaning, the ads don't bother me much.
                    While the ads were annoying the problem I have with the versions after 5.8.9 is the difficulty in controlling such a powerful weapon compared to the earlier versions. If you have no need to save anything on your mobile device besides your apps (and whatever cache is absolutely necessary for them to run as you want them to) I believe that you can edit and save the default settings and just hit the CLEAN JUNK button.

                    On a side note, all of my devices have SD memory cards installed, so I keep any important files on the cards. I don't believe Clean Master messes with the card- at least I've never had it delete anything from them. SD cards are cheap. If your device dies, you still have your files. Just stick the card in the next device. You can easily transfer files- just stick the card in the device you are transferring to.
                    If only it was that easy on an unrooted device running Android 4.4 (KitKat)... *sigh*

                    In their great wisdom with version 4.4 Google decided to prevent 3rd party developers from writing apps that can write to the ExtSD card. It was a *big* gimme to the mobile device vendors... with earlier versions of Android customers could buy the cheaper model with less storage space and pop in an SD card to get an extra 32GB or 64GB (depending on the model.)

                    My favorite tablet for composing text is the Samsung Tab 4 7.0 because it has an expanded clipboard which will hold 20 entries, 10 of which can be locked for keyboard macros or boilerplate text (I use several for the BBS code used here at MEF.) Unfortunately it runs KitKat and I haven't gotten the nerve up to root it*** so I can only use the crappy My Files app from Samsung to copy anything to the extSD card.
                    [Note to self: use ES File Explorer to zip up a whole sh*tload of files to copy to a 32GB card, using Dropbox only when I want to be able to share files between my various devices or with other people.]

                    *** All of the root tutorials refer to the older Samsung builds and I got tricked into accepting the last update by just clicking on "Check for updates", wondering if there was a new update available. Once clicked my tablet proceeded to download it and even after rebooting my tablet it insisted on installing the update. Damn you, Samsung!

                    The Blue Guitar
                    Some recordings:


                    • #40
                      I'm not sure if you're aware of this, but (at least on my devices) if you don't like an update, you can go to the application manager and uninstall it. It will leave the previous version there unless you uninstall again and remove it completely. I just take the updates and remove them if it screws something up. Often there are new features that I like- often not.

                      Also, even though some apps won't let you write directly to the SD card, you can go to "My Files" (sort of a "Windows Explorer") and move the files manually.

                      Edit: Saying that, everyone uses their device differently, so whatever works for you. I certainly wouldn't think of telling someone how they should run their machine. That's one of the beauties of Android. There are plenty of options. You're not locked into Apples OS. On the other hand, because of the host of available options, it's easier to 'f' something up. I guess if a person isn't willing to take the time to learn the device or just plain isn't very tech savvy, the IPad/IPhone is probably a better option. I love my android toys.
                      Last edited by The Dude; 09-02-2016, 01:04 AM.
                      "I took a photo of my ohm meter... It didn't help." Enzo 8/20/22


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by The Dude View Post
                        I'm not sure if you're aware of this, but (at least on my devices) if you don't like an update, you can go to the application manager and uninstall it. It will leave the previous version there unless you uninstall again and remove it completely. I just take the updates and remove them if it screws something up. Often there are new features that I like- often not.
                        I have no idea what devices and what versions of Android you are using but with my unrooted devices mentioned previously I can upgrade to newer versions but not downgrade to earlier ones unless I uninstall the app and reinstall the earlier version. For the stock programs that come with the device the application manager in Settings will often give me an "Uninstall Updates" option which will uninstall *all* of the updates, restoring the factory-installed version.

                        However I seem to recall that with one of my older rooted devices I was able to downgrade app versions as well as upgrade them using Titanium Backup Pro or possibly 3C Toolbox Pro (back when it was called Android Toolbox, I think.)

                        Also, even though some apps won't let you write directly to the SD card, you can go to "My Files" (sort of a "Windows Explorer") and move the files manually.
                        I mentioned that in an earlier post but the interface is rather clunky. I have intentionally boycotted the app because it lacks any help features to explain what the damn buttons do! Here's what the Samsung Tab 4 "My Files" initial screen looks like...

                        As I said earlier zipping up files to move or copy to the extSD card makes more sense than uploading them to Dropbox which can be iffy. One thing: My Files only offers the option to MOVE files not COPY them. Perhaps to discourage the sharing of MP3 or other media files...?

                        In any case since I have ES File Explorer installed I can use the Share button and select "ES Save to..." which will COPY the selection leaving the original in place. Fooled ya, Samsung!

                        I'm figuring out how to best use My Files with ESFX to offload content to extSD cards, at least until someone posts instructions for rooting my Tab 4 7.0 build. One slight problem... I bought my favorite tablet used and it came in an unmarked hard protective case which I have not yet figured out how to open.

                        EDIT I found a YouTube video showing how to remove it.


                        Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot_2016-09-01-18-36-08.png
Views:	1
Size:	261.0 KB
ID:	843438

                        Steve Ahola
                        Last edited by Steve A.; 09-02-2016, 02:24 AM.
                        The Blue Guitar
                        Some recordings:


                        • #42
                          SOLID EXPLORER is a more graphical file explorer than ES File Explorer which has really gone over to the Dark Side since August 2015, more interested in selling clicks than serving its customers. With its two side-by-side panels it reminds me a little bit of Norton Commander from the late 80's. Until I figure out what all of those darned icons do I think I'm going to stick with ESFX!


                          NOTE: Version 1.6.5 is the last free version without ads. You can find it and all of the earlier versions at the Android Drawer website. (It is now available as the ad-supported Solid Explorer Classic at the Play Store along with the 14-day trial of Solid Explorer File Explorer which can be unlocked for $1.99.)

                          Solid Explorer File Manager APK Download -

                          Here is the Solid Explorer Quick Start slide show converted to an Evernote document (I created it to help me learn how to use the app!):


                          Steve Ahola

                          P.S. For comparison here is what the ES File Explorer window looks like:

                          Here is a link to the versions available at the Android Drawer website (be sure to avoid any version starting with 4.0.0):

                          ES File Explorer File Manager APK Download -

                          Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot_2016-09-03-21-52-50.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	346.9 KB
ID:	843475
                          Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot_2016-09-03-22-11-24.png
Views:	1
Size:	100.9 KB
ID:	843476
                          The Blue Guitar
                          Some recordings:


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by The Dude View Post
                            I'm not sure if you're aware of this, but (at least on my devices) if you don't like an update, you can go to the application manager and uninstall it. It will leave the previous version there unless you uninstall again and remove it completely. I just take the updates and remove them if it screws something up. Often there are new features that I like- often not.
                            Reply #2. Actually when I upgrade an app through the Play Store I think that I can revert back to the earlier version I had been using if I do it right away. However I usually sideload the APK files rather than go through the Play Store which is one of the reasons I switched from iOS in 2009.

                            I do think it is really cool how the Play Store allows my premium apps to be installed on any mobile device that is registered with my gmail account... That's a great strategy to keep people from sharing premium apps with their friends or posting them on the internet because I sure as hell am not going to give my gmail password to any Tom, Dick or Harry!

                            Borland had a great approach to copy protection back in the 80's: they figured that software was like a physical copy of a book which could be shared with friends but only read by one person at a time. So they didn't resort to drastic measures like dBase which actually burnt a small hole in the 5.25" floppy disk to prove its authenticity:

                            Additionally, Borland was known for its practical and creative approach towards software piracy and intellectual property (IP), introducing its "Borland no-nonsense license agreement". This allowed the developer/user to utilize its products "just like a book"; he or she was allowed to make multiple copies of a program, as long as only one copy was in use at any point in time.

                            Steve Ahola
                            Last edited by Steve A.; 09-04-2016, 05:33 AM.
                            The Blue Guitar
                            Some recordings:


                            • #44
                              Well, I did it, my Tab4 is now rooted. Now I'll have a purge of all the unwanted bloatware, heh, heh, heh...

                              I used these steps
                              Experience is something you get, just after you really needed it.


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by nickb View Post
                                Well, I did it, my Tab4 is now rooted. Now I'll have a purge of all the unwanted bloatware, heh, heh, heh...

                                I used these steps
                                Cool! I got tricked*** into getting the latest upgrade (?) to Build #...APA1 so I wonder if it will work for me, too.

                                Being able to write freely to the extSD is what I care about most. Damn Google and their KitKat giveaway to the vendors! Why should a customer pay extra for more storage space in their new phone or tablet if they can just plug in a microSD card to get as much storage space as they need? While the Tab 4 7.0 has 1.5GB RAM it only has 8GB storage space....

                                Steve A.

                                *** I was just wondering if there was a newer version available so I clicked on "check for upgrades" and it dl'd it without asking and without wiping out all my data there was no way for me avoid having it installed...
                                The Blue Guitar
                                Some recordings:


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