I'm returning this days to the old trick of splitting humbuckers using a capacitor to limit the grounding to a specific frequency.
The tone is in my opinion very useful, the split is more "organic" with the full HB original tone, and the volume loss is better then full split.
I was thinking about the new trend of last 10 years, with lot of HB built using different wire gauges and turns to "mismatch" the coils and obtain different tones.
If I understand correctly, all the differences I can have between two identical (from mechanical point of wiew) bobbins are definable as resonance frequency and amplitude of this resonance (or Q factor), depending from the coil wire and turns.
So, a "capacitor split" (supposing I have an HB with identical coils), is a method to lower the resonance frequency in one of the coils using a way simpler, tunable, cheaper etc.
Obviously, the capacitance useful to "mismatch" the coils will be very small (not the .022 cap I used to split), and the resonance amplitude is difficult to control. Another important point to consider is the humbucking effect attainable with the two methods.
I'm intrested in your comments.
I'm returning this days to the old trick of splitting humbuckers using a capacitor to limit the grounding to a specific frequency.
The tone is in my opinion very useful, the split is more "organic" with the full HB original tone, and the volume loss is better then full split.
I was thinking about the new trend of last 10 years, with lot of HB built using different wire gauges and turns to "mismatch" the coils and obtain different tones.
If I understand correctly, all the differences I can have between two identical (from mechanical point of wiew) bobbins are definable as resonance frequency and amplitude of this resonance (or Q factor), depending from the coil wire and turns.
So, a "capacitor split" (supposing I have an HB with identical coils), is a method to lower the resonance frequency in one of the coils using a way simpler, tunable, cheaper etc.
Obviously, the capacitance useful to "mismatch" the coils will be very small (not the .022 cap I used to split), and the resonance amplitude is difficult to control. Another important point to consider is the humbucking effect attainable with the two methods.
I'm intrested in your comments.