The equipment all exists and has for the last 150 years. Choosing a method is going to depend on what you want to see at the end. What are you all going for here?
I would start with a 1760 RPM buffer, some hard sewn 6-8" cotton buffs maybe 1" wide and a stick of rouge. That will get you a pretty damn shiny surface in just a few seconds. Learn the basics of cutting and coloring here: Once the scratches are gone you can go back in to put whatever luster you want with micro-mesh or 3M jeweler's metal polishing papers. The foam rubber sanding pads are also really good at this if you start fine enough and wear them down a bit first.
I would start with a 1760 RPM buffer, some hard sewn 6-8" cotton buffs maybe 1" wide and a stick of rouge. That will get you a pretty damn shiny surface in just a few seconds. Learn the basics of cutting and coloring here: Once the scratches are gone you can go back in to put whatever luster you want with micro-mesh or 3M jeweler's metal polishing papers. The foam rubber sanding pads are also really good at this if you start fine enough and wear them down a bit first.