OK A few things while messing about after the magnetometer had me confused.
Firstly, to refresh the polarity of magnets and the North-seeking pole:
Why the North pole is actually a South seeking pole| Explore | physics.org
The relay coil is fed with 12V A.C. as an experiment - I got these results from that:
Now I could've done D.C. "Clunk" tests on the individual coild but the camera battery died after this video which shows the effect of a Schottky 1N5819 in series with the Green +Ve lead of the pickup and a 1uF across the meter and Black. I know the pickup is in phase and dropping the ruler on it shows a much easier to read positive value. Any rectifier probably would've done.
Firstly, to refresh the polarity of magnets and the North-seeking pole:
Why the North pole is actually a South seeking pole| Explore | physics.org
The relay coil is fed with 12V A.C. as an experiment - I got these results from that:
Now I could've done D.C. "Clunk" tests on the individual coild but the camera battery died after this video which shows the effect of a Schottky 1N5819 in series with the Green +Ve lead of the pickup and a 1uF across the meter and Black. I know the pickup is in phase and dropping the ruler on it shows a much easier to read positive value. Any rectifier probably would've done.