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Sadly, I've been there before. This usually happens to the power amps located in clubs with kitchens. The grease gets sucked in and then the dust starts to build up.
The copper coil in the back left corner sure looks clean...
perhaps its one of the new iRenew coils:
"iRenew® biofield therapy products with BioField Technology™ utilize a proprietary quantum based technology to harness the natural frequencies which are everpresent in our environment and use them to tune and rebalance your biofield back to a more natural, coherent state."
I don't like to admit it, but years ago I had a Tapco amp in my rack shutting down. I pulled it to send it back to EV, and noticed the dust bunnies. I took it apart, blew it clean with air, and it was fixed! I cleaned the other amps, and started preventative cleaning a little more often.
Worth 10 minutes with a vacuum cleaner and a brush? I'd say so.
That is not an uncommon sight in those old QSC amps. The shiny coil, I'd bet, had a glob of dust on it that came away when it was opened. The wire harness now above it used to sit there.
That is easy to clean. A plain old cheap paintbrush, I use a 1" one, loosens anything that doesn't blow away. Hold the vacuum cleaner hose over the board to suck loose stuff out. I usually spread a newspaper under such work to colect all the crap that falls out the bottom.
Education is what you're left with after you have forgotten what you have learned.
Worth 10 minutes with a vacuum cleaner and a brush? I'd say so.
That is not an uncommon sight in those old QSC amps. The shiny coil, I'd bet, had a glob of dust on it that came away when it was opened. The wire harness now above it used to sit there.
That is easy to clean. A plain old cheap paintbrush, I use a 1" one, loosens anything that doesn't blow away. Hold the vacuum cleaner hose over the board to suck loose stuff out. I usually spread a newspaper under such work to colect all the crap that falls out the bottom.
what is this "newspaper" thing of which you speak?
OK, I'm a 90's kinda guy, I am with-it for the new techniologies. If you no longer have a "newspaper," then use one of your old cast-aside CRT computer monitors. Set it on its back and work on its face.
Education is what you're left with after you have forgotten what you have learned.