Step by step instructions to manufacture a plate amplifier now, the way plate amplifier works is the same path as you probably are aware the DC engine the, homopolar engine basically most, electromagnetic gadgets work it sits, there is a cooperation between the magnetism produced by a curl of wire, and a changeless neodymium magnet presently this, magnetism created by a changeless coil, of wire, is really going to be, generated by a sound sign which means, that there will be different, levels of current streaming in that curl, which will viably imply that the coil is repulsed from the permanent, magnet at various rates so to draw a picture you'd have said you know a stereo, assist and that framework you know would have wires going out to 2 sets of, speakers and we're simply going to utilize one, pair of those wires this was Plus.
1 Neo magnets
2 meters 0.5mm copper wire
1 plastic plate
4 business cards/playing cards
2 Aligator cables
Wire cutters
Hot glue gun
Stereo system OR phone + sound amplifier
Working Principle
these wires are going, to fundamentally be snared to a loop and, that curl is going to be snared to a permanent magnet and suppose now we're, gonna utilize a sizeable medium permanent, magnet it's going to resemble that and, this magnet has an attractive field going, from north to south and now this loop is, gonna go, go back there now the sign generated, by the sound system will be this, kind of conflicting current that goes, boom quite noisy quiet different kind of, levels of commotion and as these levels vary, the shock of this loop to the magnet, is going to shift so right now what would happen you'd have a skipping curl on the magnet and how would we get this bouncing, coil to create sound well it's, relatively direct what we're, going to do that is simply attach
this dark will be a structure, we're going to assemble and in the event that that says a thin plastic plate, at that point this thin, plastic plate will vibrate with, the loop and afterward it's setting off to shake, it's going to shake the air atoms in, here which are going to pack and, decompress and this pressure the, compression of air is the thing that sound is, that's unequivocally what's going on right, now as you're tuning in to me you know, the air is Vibe they're coming out, adjacent to your speakers of your, laptop PC or even earphones is having, waves of compressions and decompressions, and you're recognizing those with your, ears and you're hearing me so yeah, that's the means by which it works
Step 1: Create a 2cm High Paper Cylinder
we're gonna do is we're gonna cut, out a piece of paper that's roughly the same sort of thickness as that magnet, there and if I just make a mock with my, pen okay so we have a little strip of, paper and we're gonna do with the strip, of paper is we're going to roll it, around something that's perhaps slightly, larger than this magnet and have a perfect thing it's the same glue stick, that I'm gonna use to make that roll so, basically just gonna, just roll it around next is we're gonna, grab some of this half a mil thickness, laminated Coppa wire and wrap probably about 2cm so I'm gonna, measure it out, now we're just gonna wrap it until make, sure to leave one end loose

Step 2: Connect the Cylinder and a Plastic Plate With Hot Glue
Wrap up the paper cylinder with 2m of 0.5mm copper wire.
Make sure the cylinder is centered
Allow 5 minutes or more for the hot glue to dry
Use a lighter or some sandpaper to strip the ends of the copper wire

Step 3: Connect Speaker to Stereo Output and Test With Magnet
The speaker should work with both polarities, one of which may work better.
If the speaker works use some blue tac to secure the magnet to the table.

Step 4: Create Some Paper Springs With Business Cards
Adjust until the speaker works well.
1 Neo magnets
2 meters 0.5mm copper wire
1 plastic plate
4 business cards/playing cards
2 Aligator cables
Wire cutters
Hot glue gun
Stereo system OR phone + sound amplifier
Working Principle
these wires are going, to fundamentally be snared to a loop and, that curl is going to be snared to a permanent magnet and suppose now we're, gonna utilize a sizeable medium permanent, magnet it's going to resemble that and, this magnet has an attractive field going, from north to south and now this loop is, gonna go, go back there now the sign generated, by the sound system will be this, kind of conflicting current that goes, boom quite noisy quiet different kind of, levels of commotion and as these levels vary, the shock of this loop to the magnet, is going to shift so right now what would happen you'd have a skipping curl on the magnet and how would we get this bouncing, coil to create sound well it's, relatively direct what we're, going to do that is simply attach
this dark will be a structure, we're going to assemble and in the event that that says a thin plastic plate, at that point this thin, plastic plate will vibrate with, the loop and afterward it's setting off to shake, it's going to shake the air atoms in, here which are going to pack and, decompress and this pressure the, compression of air is the thing that sound is, that's unequivocally what's going on right, now as you're tuning in to me you know, the air is Vibe they're coming out, adjacent to your speakers of your, laptop PC or even earphones is having, waves of compressions and decompressions, and you're recognizing those with your, ears and you're hearing me so yeah, that's the means by which it works
Step 1: Create a 2cm High Paper Cylinder
we're gonna do is we're gonna cut, out a piece of paper that's roughly the same sort of thickness as that magnet, there and if I just make a mock with my, pen okay so we have a little strip of, paper and we're gonna do with the strip, of paper is we're going to roll it, around something that's perhaps slightly, larger than this magnet and have a perfect thing it's the same glue stick, that I'm gonna use to make that roll so, basically just gonna, just roll it around next is we're gonna, grab some of this half a mil thickness, laminated Coppa wire and wrap probably about 2cm so I'm gonna, measure it out, now we're just gonna wrap it until make, sure to leave one end loose

Step 2: Connect the Cylinder and a Plastic Plate With Hot Glue
Wrap up the paper cylinder with 2m of 0.5mm copper wire.
Make sure the cylinder is centered
Allow 5 minutes or more for the hot glue to dry
Use a lighter or some sandpaper to strip the ends of the copper wire

Step 3: Connect Speaker to Stereo Output and Test With Magnet
The speaker should work with both polarities, one of which may work better.
If the speaker works use some blue tac to secure the magnet to the table.

Step 4: Create Some Paper Springs With Business Cards
Adjust until the speaker works well.