Anyone have a schematic for the Bogner Alchemist.
Came in with a channel switching problem.
Turns out it had a bad 6L6 output tube (B+ to heater?)
I found a burnt -3V buss on the front panel, which I repaired.
I am missing a positive voltage on the Clean/ Dirty front panel switch.
The footswitch functions fine. Without the footswitch the amp is stuck in dirty mode.
Anyone have a schematic for the Bogner Alchemist.
Came in with a channel switching problem.
Turns out it had a bad 6L6 output tube (B+ to heater?)
I found a burnt -3V buss on the front panel, which I repaired.
I am missing a positive voltage on the Clean/ Dirty front panel switch.
The footswitch functions fine. Without the footswitch the amp is stuck in dirty mode.