Hi there, newbie to this site.
I have an old Ibanez DM2000 rack delay that I've had for years and I recently got it back out and hooked it up. I forgot about the noise problem it has. The dry and bypass signal is perfectly clean but the delay signal has this fuzz/distortion/noise on it that I can't seem to get rid of. I've traced the delay signal through the circuit and haven't been able to pinpoint where the signal picks up that noise and I'm starting to get frustrated. I have a service manual, schematic and all that but I would appreciate and help with ideas of where the source of the noise could be coming from.
Everything works great in the unit, all functions buttons, etc. work fine, just this noise on the delay signal.
I can attach a clip of the sound or anything else to help
Thanks for the help!
I have an old Ibanez DM2000 rack delay that I've had for years and I recently got it back out and hooked it up. I forgot about the noise problem it has. The dry and bypass signal is perfectly clean but the delay signal has this fuzz/distortion/noise on it that I can't seem to get rid of. I've traced the delay signal through the circuit and haven't been able to pinpoint where the signal picks up that noise and I'm starting to get frustrated. I have a service manual, schematic and all that but I would appreciate and help with ideas of where the source of the noise could be coming from.
Everything works great in the unit, all functions buttons, etc. work fine, just this noise on the delay signal.
I can attach a clip of the sound or anything else to help
Thanks for the help!