I'd probably use a couple of those aluminum finned types (Vishay, Arcol, etc.) and mount them on an aluminum plate bolted to the inside of the cabinet. The resistors will be about ten bucks and I don't know what the hardware stores are changing for a piece of aluminum. This isn't ideal heat sinking but with over rated resistors it should be fine in my own experience.
EDIT: Aslo, I'd probably just use a right angle plug into the speaker jack for this. So you would need to unplug the internal speakers to plug into a different speaker cabinet. I suppose you could put it on a switch or use a switching jack to disconnect the internal speakers whenever a cabinet is plugged in but "I" don't like that many possible faiure contacts when it comes to speaker loads. JM2C and YMMV.
EDIT: Aslo, I'd probably just use a right angle plug into the speaker jack for this. So you would need to unplug the internal speakers to plug into a different speaker cabinet. I suppose you could put it on a switch or use a switching jack to disconnect the internal speakers whenever a cabinet is plugged in but "I" don't like that many possible faiure contacts when it comes to speaker loads. JM2C and YMMV.