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Peavey Classic 30, 50 212 or Fender Blues Deluxe Reissue??

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  • Peavey Classic 30, 50 212 or Fender Blues Deluxe Reissue??

    As per usual, I'm digging for other's thoughts and experiences on amps. I posted this on a couple of sites ( and harmony central), and so far, very few bites. I'm asking this question because I am concerned about a future where I will possibly be pouring money into my excellent sounding C30, and wonder if I might be better off with a C50, as it has been pointed out that due to the size of the cabinet, the EL84s are not punished as much (as in the C30) due to the increased size of the C50 212's cabinet. Or, the other viable option being the Fender Blues Deluxe Reissue (read below).

    Reading the posts on user's thoughts, concerns and praises to their BDRI has been a lesson in "better the devil you know than the devil you don't". If I didn't know better, I would've sworn that I was a reading a thread on the Peavey Classic 30.

    I currently have a Classic 30, and like a lot of people, there are things about it that I like: channel 1 is great, channel 2 is good but not great, the boost switch is okay, but needs tweaking, the size of the cab is great, looks good, durable fake tweed in tolex = a little Fantastic and its clean, speaker is mediocre, Weber Blue Dog Alnico would likely be BIG improvement, a Mercury Magnetic OT might make an improvement, nice selction of controls, particle board cab is a downer, made in Mississippi is a very big plus.

    When I did a search for Fender Blues Deluxe Reissue vs Peavey Classic 30, I was surprised at the number of posts that came up extolling the strengths of the C30 over the BDRI. Harmony Central posts towards the BDRI are generally quite favorable. All in all, I would say from the reviews that users concerns, and users praises are pretty well equally balanced (though I can't account for the very high number of users who felt the C30 sounded better). After readingf the comparisons, one is left with the feeling that the majority of posters woudl prefer a C30 over the BDRI.

    To be fair, I thnink that if I was to take a 25' cable (as one BDRI user/poster did) and stand that far from the C30 it too would probably sound like a transistor radio. The C30 and the BDRI should both be miked for large venues, or use a extension cab, and to get the most out them, both shoud have their volumes controlled from the guitar, as in the "old days", not from the amp, and the C30's volume control is very incremental, quite sensitive at least up to at least 6, and maybe beyond, a feature not to be found on the BDRI.

    Having said all of that, I am not entirely sure if I want to keep my C30. It is very new, so I was told by the store that I could exchange it. One of my concerns is the reliablitiy of the EL84s. One of them in my C30 has already gone microphonic, which the store said was likely a faulty tube, and they will replace it (the whole set actually). I have heard elsewhere that the EL84 is not as stable as the 6L6. Is there truth to this??

    The only other amp out there in this price range, size, wattage, configuration is he BDRI or the Peavey Classic 50 212 (I have not heard the Marshall MA50). I was in a store yesterday checking out the BDRI, and I quite liked it. The first channel is amazing. I think that they could have added a little more gain to channel 2, but other wise it seems like a well made product, sounds like it should. I have read that you should put a coat of polyurathane over the tweed, otherwise it'll look like sh*t in no time (a big plus for the tolex tweed covered C30/50).

    The C50 212 is a force to be reconned with. It is large(r) AND it is 50 watts. Its a C30 on steroids. There is no mistaking the Classic throatiness reminiscent of the C30. It does not want, it gives, and plenty. Too much for an all around amp in a house though???

    There are a number of mods to the circuit board for either one, and plenty of simpler mods, and like the C30, the stock speaker in either the BDRI or the C50 is nothing to write home about, an easily rectifiable problem though.

    Any thoughts? I'm not brand loyal. Fender, Peavey, Marshall, what ever. Its the sound and reliablity that I am after. Oh, and I play a Strat deluxe.


  • #2
    I think most people that use EL84s deliberately (for many, they just happen to be in the amp they purchased) will happily put up with their quirks for the tone they produce. Myself, I've had better luck with JJ's than any other brands.

    The idea that a C50 "punishes the tubes less" is horse radish. From whatever forum let that idea stand unchallenged, run away, quickly. Both the C30 and C50 have 4 EL84s - the C50 squeezes 20 extra watts out of them and, hello?, it needs a fan to do it.

    The C30 and the BDRI are very different amps. The Peavey is well balanced, but definitely gives a nod to the British tones of Vox and Marshall. The Fender is your basic All-American sound. The answer is simple - you need both.

    As far as the C50 goes, yeh, it's kinda big for around the house. It's not as versatile as the C30 - it doesn't do cleans as well. But for your Classic Brit Rock, it's got tones to die for. That was the amp Seymour Duncan asked for when he came to play at our store, and with his Tele-Gib, he totally nailed the tones on Blow by Blow. Yes, Virginia, he really has spent some quality time with Jeff Beck.


    • #3
      one size doen't fit all...

      Hey Glass Snuff,

      Its sad, but right you are, we need more! And, I'm just now plotting how I am going to sneak more amps into the house, under my wife's very keen radar! I do like those early fenders, but they are one trick ponies. I was playing with the Fender Deluxe Reissue over the weekend. Beautiful sound, but only clean (and pricey). For an allaround amp, the C30 takes the cake. I'll likely live with the tube issue, though I'd like to know more about this tube holder of Enzo's.


      • #4
        C30 worth keeping, C50 worth buying

        Just two cents worth of shoelaces here...

        I have a C30 and a C50 212. In the C30, I'm throwing in a "Tom's Tube Tamer" to stop the tube jingle, and swapping out the power tubes (maybe ALL of the tubes) with JJ's and rebiasing. I am also swapping out the speaker, but I haven't decided which one to use. Might go with a Celestion. I'm rather squeamish about any other (electronic) mods for now, although some of the clips I've heard have made them sound enticing.

        By comparison, the C30 is a much more "concentrated" amp than the C50, so it does have its own particular drawbacks, as any small but powerful combo will, but I couldn't live without it. For almost any room, all I need is a decent mic on it.

        The C50 is really kind of a different animal, given that it has 2 speakers and a wider cab. It's a lot more controllable and I like it the way it sounds now. I wouldn't modify it. It's my main amp for most any application, and the best value for the dollar that you can possibly find.


        • #5
          Well said Larold,

          I just got off the phone with a rep from the Tube Store. They are based in Hamilton, Ontario ( Audio and vacuum tubes for your amplifier.). Unbelievable selection of tubes, and very knowledge re: what the various tubes will do. He recommended Russian Tubes EL84M (for military) for the power section as the thicker glass and better all aroudn construction make them less prone to microphonics. As for the Pre amp stage, he recommended in V1, a Tungsol 12AX7 Reissue, in V2 and possibly V3 JJ ECC83S. Theres a pull down menue on the site where you can search tubes by amp, and they have recommended packages for each one.
          Last edited by Jared Purdy; 02-02-2010, 02:35 PM.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Jared Purdy View Post
            Hey Glass Snuff,

            Its sad, but right you are, we need more! And, I'm just now plotting how I am going to sneak more amps into the house, under my wife's very keen radar! I do like those early fenders, but they are one trick ponies. I was playing with the Fender Deluxe Reissue over the weekend. Beautiful sound, but only clean (and pricey). For an allaround amp, the C30 takes the cake. I'll likely live with the tube issue, though I'd like to know more about this tube holder of Enzo's.
            Words of wisdom from an old married man.

            1/3 by cash, 1/3 by check and 1/3 by credit card. She'll never figure out what you did. Sneak it into the house when she's at work, and cover it up with something.

            I repaired a Classic 30 for a guy a while ago. They are prone to having bad solder joints and require a steady hand and lots of TLC to work on because of the folded circuit boards and ribbon connectors, but aside from that they do sound good.


            • #7
              Well, aside from one of the tubes going microphonic, roughly a month, it sounds great and there aren't any pieces falling off! BYW, what exactly s a "folded circuit board"?? I'll take your strategy under consideration! I'll tell her its a new type of end table!


              • #8
                Glass Snuff, I am sorry to disagree, but the C30 is FAR more stressful to its EL84s than the C50.

                In the C30, they are hanging out from the center of the relatively flexible chassis directly in the backblast of the speaker. They get shaken to pieces. The EL84s on the C50 are clamped into place INSIDE of the chassis. They do not shake around.

                The fan is added because the tubes are INSIDE the chassis and could not otherwise vent themselves. it was not added to get that extra 20 watts. There are other amps using four EL84s for 50 watts that do not have a fan.

                James, did one of your tubes go microphonic? Or did it go rattly? Those are not the same thing. On the other hand, I would point out that ANY tube can go microphonic at any time, and in any amp.
                Education is what you're left with after you have forgotten what you have learned.


                • #9
                  Anyone know the harmonic responance of particle board, and the resonance at which EL84's are subject to microphonics?? Just a thought.
                  Last edited by Jared Purdy; 02-02-2010, 02:36 PM.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Jared Purdy View Post
                    Well, aside from one of the tubes going microphonic, roughly a month, it sounds great and there aren't any pieces falling off! BYW, what exactly s a "folded circuit board"?? I'll take your strategy under consideration! I'll tell her its a new type of end table!
                    the amp has three circuit boards connected by jumpers and ribbon connectors and they're folded in a "U" shape. Handle with care.


                    • #11
                      Wow, good info!

                      Originally posted by Jared Purdy View Post
                      Well said Larold,

                      "... recommended Russian Tubes EL84M (for military) for the power section as the thicker glass and better all aroudn construction make them less prone to microphonics. As for the Pre amp stage, he recommended in V1, a Tungsol 12AX7 Reissue, in V2 and possibly Vs JJ ECC83S. Theres a pull down menue on the site where you can search tubes by amp, and they have recommended packages for each one."
                      That is about the most specific and well-thought-out breakdown I have read as yet. Will definitely check out this site. Thanks for the ref, Jared.


                      • #12
                        Wow, I can see what Enzo is saying about the realatively flimsy mount supporting the tube pots. How well secured to the cabinet is that circuit board? Is it secured at each corner, each panel??


                        • #13
                          At the very least, wouldn't it make sence to have the circuit panel with the tube sockets completely seperate, and firmly mounted to the chassis, or what ever it is mounted to ? How does this differ from the C50? Anyone got a pick similar to Prairie Dog's?


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Jared Purdy View Post
                            Anyone know the harmonic responance of particle board, and the resonance at which EL84's are subject to microphonics?? Just a thought.
                            I think it's a good thought. While I hate to disagree with Enzo, who knows his stuff, I think if you touch the cab while playing, then put your hand near the tubes, you'll feel more vibration in the cab than the air. The tubes will feel the same, of course.

                            Proportionately, we see a lot more C50s come in for service, as opposed to C30s. Perhaps the C50s get gigged more often... it's hard to make comparisons.

                            I think there's no question though, that the mounting of the tubes in a C30 leaves something to be desired. (Like Tom's Tube Tamer, or similar)
                            Last edited by Glass Snuff; 02-02-2010, 10:51 PM.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Enzo View Post
                              Glass Snuff, I am sorry to disagree, but the C30 is FAR more stressful to its EL84s than the C50.

                              In the C30, they are hanging out from the center of the relatively flexible chassis directly in the backblast of the speaker. They get shaken to pieces. The EL84s on the C50 are clamped into place INSIDE of the chassis. They do not shake around.

                              The fan is added because the tubes are INSIDE the chassis and could not otherwise vent themselves. it was not added to get that extra 20 watts. There are other amps using four EL84s for 50 watts that do not have a fan.

                              James, did one of your tubes go microphonic? Or did it go rattly? Those are not the same thing. On the other hand, I would point out that ANY tube can go microphonic at any time, and in any amp.
                              Enzo, You are such a great source of information! I have a couple of questions for you. You made reference the superior build of the C50 (with respect to the way the tube sockets are mounted). Are the C50s tube sockets mounted to the chassis and then wired to the circuit board, as opposed to them being mounted directly to the circuit board, as appears to be the case in the C30?? Similarly, do you know if the tube sockets in the Fender BDRI are mounted to the chassis, or like the C30??



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