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hammond tubes question (help needed)

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  • hammond tubes question (help needed)

    Really a couple question, I picked up a old hammon e-122 organ and pulled 3 12ax7 and 1 12au7 tubes they all have hammond on them 1 says made in britian 2 say made in holland and the 12au7 says made in usa. any idea what brand tubes theses might be.
    Also i have a crate vintage club 20 with reverb i plan on trying these in.
    I see v1 v2 and v3 not sure which is the phase inverter which i would like to try the 12au7 in and which is for the reverb.
    Thanks for any help,Ecoman.

  • #2
    I think a few hammonds actully used some amperex made in holland tubes. I know one time i picked up an old hammond chord organ which i really love because of the pure tube oscillators and got several bugle boy tubes i think some au7's ax7's and 2 el84's but its been a while. I think they used alot of restamped rcas of diffrent kinds.
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