I think this needs a new thread. I want to make sure that I'm reading the schematic properly and purchasing the correct parts. I was able to track down all parts, but the mica washers, for the tda7293. Check all data sheets for the mouser listings and nothing is match, or does it come with the washer? The old ones fell apart, upon removal. Here's my list and source which may be helpful to others looking for stuff for this amp. Thanks in advance.
The stuff i need :0)
2 tda7293 - mouser. Best Price.
2 washer (mica) - mouser?
1 input jack - (S-H502) - antique electronic supply
1 dfx adjust 22k pot (for od) - (R-VKG-20KL) - AEC
1 knob (P-K340 ) - AEC
The stuff i need :0)
2 tda7293 - mouser. Best Price.
2 washer (mica) - mouser?
1 input jack - (S-H502) - antique electronic supply
1 dfx adjust 22k pot (for od) - (R-VKG-20KL) - AEC
1 knob (P-K340 ) - AEC