I've got an old Teisco tube amp that I used at gig for longer and harder than I normally play and when I got it back home I noticed it had developed a static-like crackle that comes and goes even when nothing is plugged in. I tested all the tubes without finding an bad tube. So I moved on to checking the resistors that bridge around the socket.
What I found were a couple of resistors that don't immediate go up to their rated value, like a 500K resistor that starts at around 250K and slower climbs up to 500k if I leave the DMM alligator clips attached, finally reaching value after about 1 minute. What I'd like to know is: is this resistor bad and should it be replaced? I found one other resister in the circuit (which is just point to point) which was rated at 250K but did the same thing, slowly creeped up to 250k after about a minute.
Your wisdom is appreciated.
What I found were a couple of resistors that don't immediate go up to their rated value, like a 500K resistor that starts at around 250K and slower climbs up to 500k if I leave the DMM alligator clips attached, finally reaching value after about 1 minute. What I'd like to know is: is this resistor bad and should it be replaced? I found one other resister in the circuit (which is just point to point) which was rated at 250K but did the same thing, slowly creeped up to 250k after about a minute.
Your wisdom is appreciated.