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Crate Palomino V32 1x12 Speaker replacement

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  • Crate Palomino V32 1x12 Speaker replacement

    I recently bought a V32 1x12 combo and was just wondering if anyone has experimented with speakers in these amps. I am leaning toward a G12h30 but was wanting some feedback on others that may have used something different.

  • #2
    Wow, thanks to everyone who commented. I went with an Eminence Wizard and couldn't be happier.


    • #3
      Hi Scuzzlebutt,

      I'm also considering to change the stock Celestion Seventy 80's speakers of my 212 Palomino cab. I have to say that your V32 1x12 combo and my V32h + 212
      palomino cab sound pretty different from each other, even though it's the same amp. So I guess that the Wizard sounds nice on your combo, but probably not in my cab. A friend of mine has the 2x12 Palomino combo and sounds more thin and harsh than cab. Same amp, same speakers, but not the same construction. Can you share to me how your sound improved with the Eminence speaker vs. the Celestion? Thanks!

