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Randall amps and Dimebag Darrell

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  • Randall amps and Dimebag Darrell

    Well a buddy lent me this video called Dimevision to watch. Now I had known since the early 90's who Darrell Abbott was but always thought he was a really hard core thrash guitarist and never really paid much attention to him since I'm old school rock player, 70's, early 80's stuff I liked the most.

    Anyway I'm watching Darrell tearing up stuff, acting stupid and shooting people with fireworks and then the video shifts to him in the early 80's and he must have been maybe 18 at the time in a Dallas club just playing the hell out of Ozzy tunes and then breaks into a solo that combines Eruption, spanish fly, battle axe and his own stuff at a fast speed.
    Well to say the least I was impressed. In the ealy 80's I used to do eruption as my solo to impress the crown but Darrell did the whole shred thing really well and I never knew he played the Randy Rhoads stuff so well too. His playing back then sorta sounds a bit like Zakk Wilde too.

    I guess that just goes to show sometimes how little we see in some players.

    Also he was using the Randall SS amp stack and getting this really good guitar tone. He had almost the same distortion sound George Lynch had in the early Dokken dayz. I have to admit that I never thought much about these old Randall SS amps but now makes me wonder if I had been missing something back then as I was using the Peavey SS gear in those days.

    I've seen many Randall amps in pawnshops and always just walked on by and never paid attantion to these at cheap prices but I guess the next time I see one maybe I'll check it out.

    Any Comments on the Randall gear? Just curious

    Last edited by Slobrain; 03-19-2007, 03:21 AM.

  • #2
    I rented a Randall 100w head for a big outdoor gig about 10 years ago. Totally useless for clean, but that's not the point. I borrowed a mate's 'pointy' guitar with active pickups for the gig and it just screamed.
    I wouldn't get one for myself cause of the limited versatility. You'd want to be a go metal or go home kind of guy to appreciate it. I have heard that they're extremely reliable etc.
    Dime was playing a Randall Warhead amp towards the end of Pantera. Then he signed a deal with Krank for a signature valve amp not long before some scumbag shot him. Haven't even seen one of these but there's some video interviews and reviews on Youtube and Google video.
    I grew up loving all kinds of guitar music, but Dimebag was a standout hero for me. Every time I pull out a Pantera video or play one of their cds it just makes me want to go get a pointy guitar, grow a beard and dye it pink!
    BHL Guitar Technologies - hand made guitar plectrums and more.


    • #3
      He used Randall's rg100's back then. I think that was the same one Lynch used in the 80s.


      • #4
        He brought it in

        Dime sent in a beat up old solid state Randall that was on a record or two for reference but he quickly concentrated on the tube amp Tony Dow was cooking up for him when he came to town. He mentioned that he hadn't previously gotten enough gain from tube amps.

        Like the previous post I didn't know him as an amp and tone artist in a traditional fashion so I remember looking at it on the shelf and thinking that it must be more about the person ruling over his gear than the gear making or breaking an artist.... RIP


        • #5
          He ruled over his own gear ...


          • #6
            Is Tony Dow with Krank? In the video I seen Darrell at Krank factory and this guy in the background tweaking his amp while he played on it.

            The Krank sounded good in the video but I haven't really seen any one else using krank amps. Not that krank may be good or bad, just sorta unknown as of now. But I have seen their prices and they are not cheap.

            As far as the Randalls go, the RG100 seems to get pretty good amounts on Ebay these dayz. I would consider buying one but I want to hear one in person as I have bought things of Ebay of the cuff and then wound up not liking the sound and reselling the gear.

            I really hate going to the local GC to try out gear as you always get the feeling like you need to buy something from the sales guys and I don't care for that.

            I did call GC and they said they had a used Randall RH200 G2 solid state but I'm not familar with that amp. right now I guess I'm going thru a SS phaze from my normal tube amp love



            • #7
              I own the RH200sc G2. It's a nice little amp for the money. It has your typical solid state randall sound. I also own the Warhead X2 and it blows the RH200 out of the water as far as tone is concerned. Randall's RM100 is my main rig.

              Most people don't like the rg100, and the like, by themselves. They use a boost along with it. Hence dime using all kinds of stuff out front and in the loop to get his crazy sound.

              As far as krank goes, there are some newer metal bands that I haven't heard of that use them. Most people don't like the sound (bees in a can), and they are way over priced.
              Also, there was the fiasco with them and their bad business practices over at HarmonyCentral making up fake reviews and some other shady stuff. HC banned them from their reviews database. That has left a bad taste in people's mouth.


              • #8
                The video, Krank, Harmony Central..

                I'd have to see the video but chances are extremely good that any body besides dime playing the amp is Tony Dow, maybe another employee though.

                On the Harmony Central thing.. I'm proud to announce that the person responsible for that fiasco has finally been canned. Jody Dankburg works for Randall now, I believe, and there is some hubub about him taking Amott with him. I hope people can accept our deepest apologies for his behavior and give the rest of us a chance.

                Krank has three models and two of them are very heavy distorted amps. The Chadwick series definately has gain but it can clean up nicely, even on the dirty channel. Hardly any one associates a classic sound with Krank because of our heavy saturation of the metal market. I don't call the shots on that but can only offer up my best.
                Last edited by Chadwick; 03-26-2007, 04:54 AM. Reason: talking to taking


                • #9
                  Krank amps

                  Hey Guys I just had to say a few good words for all the folks at Krank
                  Tony knows his stuff and they have some killer amps available
                  I hear they are working on a high gain 6v6 powered little monster
                  not to hijack the thread or anything but I know these guys and I have heard the amps in person



                  • #10
                    I personally really don't like Randall amps, they usually don't bring out the full spectrum of sound from guitars. i stick with marshall. but I never saw this video, i'll check it out maybe i'll change my mind too.


