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Wishing everyone a Happy New Year and many repairs in the coming Months. Just remember it is YOU who helps this site be what it is. You are the reason people come here for no BS answers.
Happy NEW YEARS!!!!!!
It's not just an old tube compared to the 12AX7 in your Champ 600, it's a different tube, different amplification factor...not that it matters, if you like it, stick with it, it can't damage your amp.
Geeeeez..... I have a pair of Mullard KT66's that I bought in 1966 (or '67 I can't be certain). Basically been in hibernation since 1967 when I went off to college (high school rock star dream shattered on the beaches of the reality of life). Sat in my blond Fender Bandmaster (single 12 with tone ring) for twenty plus years and then in bubble wrap for the last five or so years.
First working Lamborghini or summer home in the Hampton's takes the pair.
Geeeeez..... I have a pair of Mullard KT66's that I bought in 1966 (or '67 I can't be certain). Basically been in hibernation since 1967 when I went off to college (high school rock star dream shattered on the beaches of the reality of life).
If you install them onto your current amp the reality of life may suddenly become the rock star dream once again! A tube that you yourself kept for 44 years is of unspeakable value. Unspeakable value being a Lambo, of course
I still have the Bandmaster. I guess I should put the Mullards back in to see how they compare to the newer tubes. In thinking about this I recalled that I had to remove a bit of wood from inside the case to get the Mullards to fit! Leo didn't allow enough room for such big tubes. They are pretty impressive looking.
I couldn't resist taking pictures of the Mullards. For scale they are shown leaning against my Bandmaster head with a current production Tung Sol 5881 between them.
I couldn't resist taking pictures of the Mullards. For scale they are shown leaning against my Bandmaster head with a current production Tung Sol 5881 between them.
Man, that's a great rig. The Mullards are a treasure, thanks for sharing the pics.
The new TungSol STR's are *really* short, even the standard 6L6 "suspenders" fail to grasp them. Here is my latest *excellent adventure* with those STR's
Wow! I had a look at your thread. You were very lucky indeed to not (1) cut yourself, or (2) electrocute yourself. I had a hard look at the matched pair of Tung Sol 5881s I have and they do not suffer from the defect. If anything the glass on the top of the bottle is beefier than on the sides. I got them from Torres a few years ago.
Wow! I had a look at your thread. You were very lucky indeed to not (1) cut yourself, or (2) electrocute yourself. I had a hard look at the matched pair of Tung Sol 5881s I have and they do not suffer from the defect. If anything the glass on the top of the bottle is beefier than on the sides. I got them from Torres a few years ago.
Yes, I was very lucky indeed.... Your STR on that photo is from 2006/April, mine is from 2009/December....I guess they're saving money on glass from sometime after 2006....
On your photos above one can see no edge at the top of that STR, it looks round. So they've definitely changed the manufacturing process. On the photo I posted there's a 'step' at the circle at the top, exactly where it punched through.
Glad you're o.k. jmaf! The OP pictured a 5881, not an STR, hence the difference. Did you ever get to try the STRs? Curious what you think. I rather like those in my Super Reverb. In fact beat out RCA blackplates and others for the slot...
Don't believe everything you think. Beware of Rottweiler. Search engines are free.
Glad you're o.k. jmaf! The OP pictured a 5881, not an STR, hence the difference. Did you ever get to try the STRs? Curious what you think. I rather like those in my Super Reverb. In fact beat out RCA blackplates and others for the slot...
Thanks, riz. I never got to try them, unfortunately, that would have been the first time.... I look forward to buying another pair to try out, I bet they sound great indeed.