I have a few brand new MESA 12AX7A tubes (STR-12 AX7-A) that I was wondering if I replaced the two specific factory A-tubes if I would yield a better tone or gain with these MESA's?
Has anyone tried this yet? or does anyone know how these MESA tubes sound against other brands to get a idea?
Does anyone know what specific tubes are the 12AX7A's in the 333XL Combo.
And Last if I change these I take it no re-biasing is needed being the Pre-stage.
Has anyone tried this yet? or does anyone know how these MESA tubes sound against other brands to get a idea?
Does anyone know what specific tubes are the 12AX7A's in the 333XL Combo.
And Last if I change these I take it no re-biasing is needed being the Pre-stage.