I found a real beauty on Craigslist this summer. When I contacted the seller he told me he had found it while cleaning out the home of a relative that had passed away. He said it was in a spare bedroom that was used as a storage area. He said he grabbed a box thinking he could use it to pack and found the amp inside it. I told him I was very interested and would be by in the morning to see it. What I found when I got there was even more than I hoped for.
This is the box he was talking about.
How often do you see a vintage piece of equipment in it's original packaging? I never have up until this point.
The amp looks like new. I have to keep reminding myself it's 46 years old.
Point to point wired......
Fresh Silvertone labeled RCAs throughout
It sounds just as good as it looks too. Here are some clips of it.
Silvertone 1482 - Miranda Gun Powder & Lead.wmv - YouTube
1482 tremolo Hell on Heels - YouTube
Silvertone 1482 - Foo Fighters My Hero.wmv - YouTube
The amp basically sat in it's original box for the last 46 years. It's definitely not something you find very often. The TV style box is so different and cool looking and the amp sounds amazing. It's the perfect little backseat jam amp. I’ve got to say, I'm REALLY enjoying it. Here is the craziest part of all, it's dead quiet and as punchy and alive sounding as a brand new amp
This is the box he was talking about.
How often do you see a vintage piece of equipment in it's original packaging? I never have up until this point.
The amp looks like new. I have to keep reminding myself it's 46 years old.
Point to point wired......
Fresh Silvertone labeled RCAs throughout
It sounds just as good as it looks too. Here are some clips of it.
Silvertone 1482 - Miranda Gun Powder & Lead.wmv - YouTube
1482 tremolo Hell on Heels - YouTube
Silvertone 1482 - Foo Fighters My Hero.wmv - YouTube
The amp basically sat in it's original box for the last 46 years. It's definitely not something you find very often. The TV style box is so different and cool looking and the amp sounds amazing. It's the perfect little backseat jam amp. I’ve got to say, I'm REALLY enjoying it. Here is the craziest part of all, it's dead quiet and as punchy and alive sounding as a brand new amp