I have a Full Rotor that someone butchered with mods and incorrect wiring. Everything is back to stock including the FAST/OFF/SLOW switch wiring. However... there is a PEDAL output on the back that lets you connect a pedal to control the pedal. I've read that the jack accepts a stereo plug and if you insert a resistance between the tip and ring of the plug you can vary the speed of the full rotor to anything in between the fast and slow speeds. My concern is how the stock switch was wired. As you can see from this picture it shows a switching jack that has two switches on it, one NO and one NC. The problem is that jack in my fullrotor has two switches in it that are both NO or normally open. That close/connect when you insert a jack. Is the schematic wrong?
I purchased a schematic from a site (could not find this anywhere) and I dont want to risk violating their copyrights or anything so if anyone needs more info PM me and I'll send it.
I purchased a schematic from a site (could not find this anywhere) and I dont want to risk violating their copyrights or anything so if anyone needs more info PM me and I'll send it.