Originally posted by Enzo
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I agree with you about 15" speakers (although I know a lot of people are playing the Peavey Nashville 112 with- wait for it- one 12" speaker.)
You are thinking of pedal steel guitar- I guess I should have specified "non-pedal steel guitar." At this time I am playing lap steel (like David Lindley but without the talent) and console steel (think Hank Williams but without the cowboy hat.) I do have a Sho Bud S-10 which I will start learning as soon as I can carve out enough space for it (I have been getting my left and right hand techniques up to snuff.) On a hot tip from a member of the Steel Guitar Forum I picked up a Behringer Blue Devil GX112 for $99 from a Sam Ash location in Virginia. Forget all of the digital FX- the amp is up there with the Peavey Nashville 112 (which sells for $400- 600.)
You really want a 15" speaker if you are using C6 tuning which in open position has a low C (like a baritone guitar), and pedals and/or levers can bring it down even lower.
The Line 6 is just for a practice amp, although I can bring it around to jams and casual gigs at small bars when I don't want to haul out the heavy artillery.
P.S. I just read a post by you on another forum that said the Behringer amp schematics are not available. Is there a block diagram? I am just interested in which parts are analog and which parts are digital. My guess is that the preamp and power amp are analog but the FX are digital. Am I close?
