Just switching out the damaged power cord on my new/used (very used) JC120 serial# 354896.
I have knocked loose a wire and cannot find it's home! It is the black wire returning from the rear panel fuse. Following the main power cord in >>> the black cable from power cable comes into chassis, goes to&thru main fuse then??
Also, if anyone has a guess on the year model of this thing - I'd love to hear it. Thanks
Just switching out the damaged power cord on my new/used (very used) JC120 serial# 354896.
I have knocked loose a wire and cannot find it's home! It is the black wire returning from the rear panel fuse. Following the main power cord in >>> the black cable from power cable comes into chassis, goes to&thru main fuse then??
Also, if anyone has a guess on the year model of this thing - I'd love to hear it. Thanks