I hit 20k on another forum some time back. If I add up all my posts here, and on the former AMPAGE, as well as the various iterations of other forums, the total has to be over 50k. Oy, do my fingertips hurt! And my digits are shorter, too, I used to be able to stretch my middle finger across the fretboard to the low E. Now, I've worn it down so short, I can barely reach the D-string!
Congrats, Enzo. Going 20k without being drummed out is a sign of informativeness, balance and fairness, writing skill, and tolerance (mostly on the part of the writer, and probably those reading too!).
Some members here have written informative books on amplifier circuits. It looks like Enzo is one of them It's just not all neat and tidy between two covers.
"Take two placebos, works twice as well." Enzo
"Now get off my lawn with your silicooties and boom-chucka speakers and computers masquerading as amplifiers" Justin Thomas
"If you're not interested in opinions and the experience of others, why even start a thread?
You can't just expect consent." Helmholtz
I do have a couple spiral notebooks with notes for a future book, but I doubt it will ever be written in that form. I do think of this place as a sort of ongoing book. I admire efforts like the book teemu wrote. Everyone should go download that and read it. And I admire the efforts of RG Keen to put his material together in a useful and informative web site. My writing is mostly about troubleshooting and the practical side of amp repair. So I am more likely to write about getting an amp apart and types of screwdrivers than I am load lines. Having the energy to put a book or web page together escapes me.
Education is what you're left with after you have forgotten what you have learned.
I always like seeing that Enzo was the last person to post in any given thread because I know I'm about to read something that, even as a novice, I will understand and that nails the topic at hand in a concise little sentence/short paragraph
I do have a couple spiral notebooks with notes for a future book, but I doubt it will ever be written in that form. I do think of this place as a sort of ongoing book. I admire efforts like the book teemu wrote. Everyone should go download that and read it. And I admire the efforts of RG Keen to put his material together in a useful and informative web site. My writing is mostly about troubleshooting and the practical side of amp repair. So I am more likely to write about getting an amp apart and types of screwdrivers than I am load lines. Having the energy to put a book or web page together escapes me.
Your book is already written right here and it's fully searchable- even better! Nice work Enzo!
One cannot help but wonder how many amps you've had a hand in fixing and I'm not talking only about the ones you actually lay your hands on. I'm sure the number is staggering. If there were a "Rock and Roll Technicians Hall of Fame"......
"I took a photo of my ohm meter... It didn't help." Enzo 8/20/22
I would like to say Thank You, on my own behalf and on behalf of guitar amp enthusiasts everywhere.
As we say down under in Oz "Ta mate".