I'm doing a recap of a 60's vintage Sunn Coliseum PA head. I should have documented how the power supply was wired but assumed the schematic I have was correct. The plate resistor on pin 6 of V3 is 100k not 220k, the plate resistor on pin 1 is 47K. Pin 6 of V4 is 330k not 270k. Where they all meet at supply c I have 2 68K 1 watt resistors that I'm not sure where to place because they aren't on the schematic. Also the 18k 2 watts between A, B, and C aren't there. I have one 24k that I don't know where to place. Does anyone have a schematic that reflects these different values? I've looked all over the web and haven't seen anything. I'll attach the schematic I have