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Crate Blue Voodoo 120 tubes not glowing.

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  • #31
    Quote:"I think I missed my calling, cause love tinkering with electronics, should have just studied that instead!"

    Go for it.

    Seeing that the govmint wants us babyboomers to work until we are 72, you have plenty of time.
    (assuming that you are presently under 72.)

    I plan on doing this As a retirement.


    • #32
      Originally posted by SenorHizzle View Post
      yes, bought the exact match fuses. Made sure to buy slow-blow. Who knows, they could have had them mislabeled??
      Where the fuse is marked 10A, is there a T before the 10 ?
      Otherwise a three letter or number code on the fuse?
      If you can determine it was the wrong type fuse, then you have no worries that there may be an intermittent fault popping up again.
      Originally posted by Enzo
      I have a sign in my shop that says, "Never think up reasons not to check something."


      • #33
        Looks like this was a success! I have played through my amp at full ear melting volume a few times now and have no issues. I am more cognizant of the amp operation now more that before. In the back of my mind, I just keep waiting for the fuse to pop again. I never noticed before this fiasco, but when I switch the standby on, the lights dim for a quick second, like it's drawing a surge of power. But so far so good. I think the next step I'd like to do is replace the power tubes from the Groove Tubes to JJ's. Of course then I'll need to learn how to Bias the amp. And so, the education continues!

        A HUGE thanks to all that assisted me through the testing for your knowledge and expertise! It was greatly appreciated!


        • #34
          I have a bv120h. Turned it on. Let it warm up. Hit the SB. Sounded great for about 30 seconds and then heard a crackle. Then nothing. Smelled like a chemical smell. Not like wires. Tubes are glowing but zero output on any channels. Can someone point me in the right direction?


          • #35
            You might get more replies if you create a new thread. This one is 9y old.

            Your amp problem sounds like its High voltage supply has blown shortly after turn on. Some amps have a fuse called HT and sometimes this is internal so cannot be seen.

            A common cause is end of life tubes that cause the HT supply to struggle. This can be an internal tube short and the collateral damage would be the associated screen resistors normally 470R to 1K in value burning up which might cause the smell.

            If you are safe working with high voltage then you might be able to sort it otherwise a reputable amp tech would be able to sort it out

