I have been looking, for a while now, into building a tube amp. I've been scared off from doing so due to the deadly high voltage. I'm way too new to electronics to just start soldering huge iron transformers and capacitors based on some sheet of paper that I downloaded off the internet. I'd be dead by the end of day 1.
That being said... I am still a super curious bastard, so I was wondering about something. I was on StewMac's website the other day looking at their amp kits. They have a Fender Princeton and Deluxe Rev., and they have a couple of Gibsons, and some tweeds... all for sale, but unfortunately, they are for sale for almost what you'd pay to buy one fully assembled by the aforementioned companies. Now, I know that DIY very rarely works out so that you actually save money. Brewing your own beer, for example, you'd have to brew 300 gallons before your return on investment actually shows up. So, I am sure that building an amp for $990 that you could buy for $1,100 is actually pretty good, all things considered. Because you will get the satisfaction of having built it.
That being said... StewMac publishes the .pdf step-byt-step instructions, schematics, parts list, and wiring diagrams for all their amp kits. There is literally nothing stopping you from taking the parts list, ordering the parts from somewhere else, building your own plywood box, and going really DIY. Can any of you guys tell me if you'd save money by doing that, or is it just best to buy the $1,000 amp kit from StewMac, because you'd end up paying about that anywhere?
That being said... I am still a super curious bastard, so I was wondering about something. I was on StewMac's website the other day looking at their amp kits. They have a Fender Princeton and Deluxe Rev., and they have a couple of Gibsons, and some tweeds... all for sale, but unfortunately, they are for sale for almost what you'd pay to buy one fully assembled by the aforementioned companies. Now, I know that DIY very rarely works out so that you actually save money. Brewing your own beer, for example, you'd have to brew 300 gallons before your return on investment actually shows up. So, I am sure that building an amp for $990 that you could buy for $1,100 is actually pretty good, all things considered. Because you will get the satisfaction of having built it.
That being said... StewMac publishes the .pdf step-byt-step instructions, schematics, parts list, and wiring diagrams for all their amp kits. There is literally nothing stopping you from taking the parts list, ordering the parts from somewhere else, building your own plywood box, and going really DIY. Can any of you guys tell me if you'd save money by doing that, or is it just best to buy the $1,000 amp kit from StewMac, because you'd end up paying about that anywhere?