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Are Amp Kits worth the cost, or just go it alone?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Leo_Gnardo View Post
    That ^^^. AND kit sellers do not provide you with step by step instructions, the way some kit outfits did back in the 1940-70's. Like Dynaco, Heathkit, Eico, Knight and others. IOW there will be no "cut 4 1/2 inches of red wire, strip 1/2 inch insulation from each end, tin the ends, solder one end to pin 2 of V1 and the other end to the second terminal on tie strip #5." None of that.

    Takes a good tool kit too. You'll want a decent soldering iron, a roll of quality 60/40 or 63/37 solder, wire snips, needle nose pliers (several different types) etc. If you only build one kit, acquiring the tools and solder will add to the expense.

    Good luck.
    That's a bit disappointing. My first amp build was from Metro in the early 2000's... he provided a book (pdf) with step by step... or there abouts... even with first power up etc... it was very cool way to get through it... my first build was a marshall 2203 clone.
    "'He who first proclaims to have golden ears is the only one in the argument who can truly have golden ears.' The opponent, therefore, must, by the rules, have tin ears, since there can only be one golden-eared person per argument." - Randall Aiken


    • #17
      "It seems the OP on this thread took off and has not responded to anyone's suggestions. But if he is questioning his ability to safely work on anything with high voltage then I would say don't start building an amp. Start by learning the basics like testing voltages and safety practices."

      Or maybe he ignored the advice and electrocuted himself in a self fullfilling prophesy, super curious bastard that he was.
      It's weird, because it WAS working fine.....


      • #18
        Originally posted by Randall View Post
        "It seems the OP on this thread took off and has not responded to anyone's suggestions. But if he is questioning his ability to safely work on anything with high voltage then I would say don't start building an amp. Start by learning the basics like testing voltages and safety practices."

        Or maybe he ignored the advice and electrocuted himself in a self fullfilling prophesy, super curious bastard that he was.
        He may be curious, but I doubt he'd ever get his hands dirty. It's been his MO since he showed up MichaelScottPerkins, Dolmersmutz007, an who knows what others.

        soldering stuff that's broken, breaking stuff that works, Yeah!


        • #19
          Originally posted by nosaj View Post
          He may be curious, but I doubt he'd ever get his hands dirty. It's been his MO since he showed up MichaelScottPerkins, Dolmersmutz007, an who knows what others.

          He's well earned that red rectangle: add four more corners and put a big STOP in the middle. In the UK this kind of person is called a "timewaster." I'm sure our UK (and any Irish) correspondents have other more colorful terms besides.
          This isn't the future I signed up for.


          • #20
            FWIW his last visit to the Forum was on May the 5th.

            Doubt he electrocuted himself, most probably built nothing instead, and that is SAFE

            As of somewhat related kind of posters, last week found SGM alive and kicking in the Marshall Forum under the name ampmadscientist .

            How did I recognize him?

            Well, anybody talking:

            * aluminum chassis are ILLEGAL under the NEC code

            * I know it because I am a registered electrician and you know nothing

            * I have repaired more amplifiers in 1 Month than you ever will, in your entire life

            * donīt call Ampeg a CrateAmpeg amplifier

            * and under new ownership they must legally be called Yampeg

            * I am more experienced than all of this Forum members, combined

            * I am the "go to" Tech in East/South California

            and so on and on and on, canīt be anybody else, can he?
            Juan Manuel Fahey


            • #21
              I don't mind people asking question that they're merely thinking about. It was explained to me recently that if one can't travel on vacation, then it's still beneficial to their well being to daydream about traveling.

              The questions that bother me are the ones that the asker could have easily figured out on their own, either with a little reading, or worse, by simple experiment. "How will it affect the sound of my amp if I change this resistor from x to y?"


              • #22
                Armchair Amp and pickup winder.
                I think he armchaired some Pedals too.
                I'm getting pretty good at the armchair electro projects of late.
                All I've done this spring and summer is mow grass!
                "If Hitler invaded Hell, I would make at least a favourable reference of the Devil in the House of Commons." Winston Churchill

