hello from Costa Rica...i have this MM RP 65 with serious problems i guess...first since i bought it few years ago everything was kind of ok...the amp sound more or less good but when i get the gain knob up around 8 the amp increase de volumen seriously hard...like really loud and the sound was not good...seems like the gain knob before 8 does not do much in increasing the gain...poor gain from 1 to 7 or 8. Then the amp loose its "fender" tone and starting to go muddy...kind of horrible sound to my taste (at the beginning sounds ok). I found the service bulletin PDF from MM and i was checking the Bias and its said that i have to get 25MV DC on the 3.9ohm resistors...and i having problems here...i am getting one tube going red after few seconds switching from STAND BY to HI and my multimeter is reading 1640 mv ...i am not a technician...don't laugh at me ...and the amp makes a horrible hum. The only one tube amp tech in Costa Rica refused to check my amp because its a hybrid type and he only works on all tube amps.
other thing...some caps (at the can outside) were changed to 250uf...originals are 100uf...any problem?
I am posting a link with some pictures...maybe somebody can help me on this amp before i get electrocuted and more frustrated!!!
other thing...some caps (at the can outside) were changed to 250uf...originals are 100uf...any problem?
I am posting a link with some pictures...maybe somebody can help me on this amp before i get electrocuted and more frustrated!!!