Hi guys
While im tearing apart my vox....got a question about a crate gx-1200h i picked uo cheep.
It says that the speaker out can work into a load as small as 4 ohms, yet it is rated at 70 watts in 8 ohms and 100 watts into 4 ohms.
I know tube amps need to impedence match but can solid state amps output into anything 4 ohms or higher??
This was a no-no in my day
thanks for any info
and yes my avatar is a 1959 gretsch chet atkins country gentleman, 1 owner since 59....me...lol
later ace i got to go
While im tearing apart my vox....got a question about a crate gx-1200h i picked uo cheep.
It says that the speaker out can work into a load as small as 4 ohms, yet it is rated at 70 watts in 8 ohms and 100 watts into 4 ohms.
I know tube amps need to impedence match but can solid state amps output into anything 4 ohms or higher??
This was a no-no in my day
thanks for any info
and yes my avatar is a 1959 gretsch chet atkins country gentleman, 1 owner since 59....me...lol
later ace i got to go