Just looking for an 18'' jig for box joints. Been looking at the Porter, Leigh, and GFK1200 Dovetail Jig. Wish I could find something that provides great fit, easy use, precise.
Seem like no matter what I'm going to have to buy a dovetail jig then buy a template I guess. Anyway any reconmendations would be appreciated. I'm not worried about money so much as it is a good tool worth the money and I don't want to over spend on something I really don't need just for building cabs. Thanks again.
Seem like no matter what I'm going to have to buy a dovetail jig then buy a template I guess. Anyway any reconmendations would be appreciated. I'm not worried about money so much as it is a good tool worth the money and I don't want to over spend on something I really don't need just for building cabs. Thanks again.