Go to this site for the OT: Hammond Mfg. - REPLACEMENT & UPGRADES - Tube Guitar Amplifier - Output Transformers and look for the 1760W or 1750R. They both deliver 100w with a primary impedance of 2000 ohms@447v. (good for four 6L6GC).
To tell you the difference of these and which one would be better for bass, one of the pros in this forum might chime in, cause that's beyond my knowledge.
Go to this site for the PT: Hammond Mfg. - REPLACEMENT & UPGRADES - Tube Guitar Amplifier - Power Transformers and look for the 291FX. It's got a secondary winding of 320v@518mA (including the 60v tap for the bias). Rectified you'll end up at around 450vdc.
To tell you the difference of these and which one would be better for bass, one of the pros in this forum might chime in, cause that's beyond my knowledge.
Go to this site for the PT: Hammond Mfg. - REPLACEMENT & UPGRADES - Tube Guitar Amplifier - Power Transformers and look for the 291FX. It's got a secondary winding of 320v@518mA (including the 60v tap for the bias). Rectified you'll end up at around 450vdc.