i want to build an apartment amplifier. problem is i've become addicted to that blackface sound as have had opportunity to play a vibroverb, deluxe reverb and a twin recently and loved 'em. if i build a single ended blackface champ or maybe a dual single ended 2+6v6 amp will it still have the blackface vibe? or is the push-pull element of the design crucial to the sound of the bigger blackface amps?
basically in an ideal world i would love a vibroverb cut in half - with half the watts and just one of the 10" speakers but with 9/10 of the sound for apartment volume levels.
am i dreaming?
basically in an ideal world i would love a vibroverb cut in half - with half the watts and just one of the 10" speakers but with 9/10 of the sound for apartment volume levels.
am i dreaming?