Hi! I'm looking for a constructive suggestion about this one. Here's a schematic with TDA2030 opamp and transistors BD243A/BD244A.
Other parts value from left to right:
C1=2,2mF(16V); R1=47kohm; R2=1k8; D1,D2=1N4148; R3=47kohm; C2=47mF(16V); R4=1k8; R5,R6=2,2 ohms; C4, C5 and C6=100nF; C7,C8=22mF(40V), R7=1ohm;C3=220nF, and protection diodes are 1N4001
I was thinking, is it possible to replace the TDA2030+BD243A/BD244A for TDA2050+BD249C/BD250C, and also, should I replace the other part's value?
Other parts value from left to right:
C1=2,2mF(16V); R1=47kohm; R2=1k8; D1,D2=1N4148; R3=47kohm; C2=47mF(16V); R4=1k8; R5,R6=2,2 ohms; C4, C5 and C6=100nF; C7,C8=22mF(40V), R7=1ohm;C3=220nF, and protection diodes are 1N4001
I was thinking, is it possible to replace the TDA2030+BD243A/BD244A for TDA2050+BD249C/BD250C, and also, should I replace the other part's value?