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What's the best way to test the voltage on transformer taps?

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  • What's the best way to test the voltage on transformer taps?

    Hey, it's me again. I am still trying to figure out the transformer thing. My main problem is that I'm cheap and I don't want to pay $40 for a power transformer. I know of a place where I can get surplus transformers for cheap, but it's hard to identify the kind that I need. How can I figure out the voltage of the transformer taps? If I get a transformer that's bigger than I need, is it possible to use only a couple or a few of the taps and tape the rest off? These are things that I want to know before I try it out, because the consequences could be disastrous.
    On a random tangent: Isn't it amazing what you can do with electromagnets? One of the least understood forces in our world (electromagnetism) and we have nevertheless made ouselves dependent upon it. Crazy!

  • #2
    Unknown transformers.
    Unless the transformer has a tag identifying the voltages, the only way is to plug it in.
    I would use a Variac & a fuse.
    Monitoring the primary current would also be useful.
    Now you are down to how much current it can support.
    Another unknown.
    Unused taps can be taped off.


    • #3
      Thank you sir. I'll try that.

