I found the Dreamtone mA calculator the other day, it tells me that my recently built (cobbed together) 18 watt Lite amp should draw around 80mA in it's current configuration. I used a Weber 100mA Princeton tranny that I had on hand, and it seems to work fine. (I'm using diodes for rectification.) It gets warm, but so far it hasn't gotten so hot that I can't leave my hand on it for several seconds before it becomes uncomfortable. But I always read that 120mA is the minimum recommended for this amp. Should I upgrade?
Interesting to note is the fact that the calculator also says my recent Proluxe built will draw well over 150mA; yet the tranny recommended on the Weber layout is the standard 150mA tweed deluxe unit. (I'm using GZ34 glass in this amp.) It also gets a little warm but works like a charm. So, how much credibility should I assign to the Dreamtone calculator? How paranoid should I be? I'm also guessing that those old tweed deluxe's must have run pretty hot!
Interesting to note is the fact that the calculator also says my recent Proluxe built will draw well over 150mA; yet the tranny recommended on the Weber layout is the standard 150mA tweed deluxe unit. (I'm using GZ34 glass in this amp.) It also gets a little warm but works like a charm. So, how much credibility should I assign to the Dreamtone calculator? How paranoid should I be? I'm also guessing that those old tweed deluxe's must have run pretty hot!