I've been looking into building my first amp for a while now, and finally settled on the Super Single-Ended design over at Angela. However, frugality means that I have to substitute the 6V6s (which I do not have) for 6P1P-EVs (which I do have, in quantity; they are Russian tubes, a lot like 6AQ5s). I also purchased smaller power and output transformers than originally specified (the lower voltage should result in less power output, so I think I'm okay), and I will be using a solid-state rectifier, and making a couple other changes (see the attached schematic). Voltages are approximately A: 265V, B: 255V, C: 254V.
Here are a few questions.
1. Is this a good arrangement for the standby switch? The switches I have available are rated for 250VAC (which I can guess is not the same as 250VDC), are they suitable?
2. The 6P1P tube has two pins which are connected to the plate. This allows one to connect a bias resistor to one of the pins on each tube. When both tubes are in place, the resistors are paralleled (giving you a bias resistor of 1/2 Rb); but when one tube is removed, the remaining tube only sees one resistor, giving you a bias resistor of Rb. This allows me to pull one of the output tubes (to halve the power, for playing in smaller rooms) without doing any other fiddling. That said, what is the best choice of Rb? The original schematic called for 250 ohms (so two paralleled 500 ohm resistors), but using the values given for a 6AQ5 in the RCA tube manual (-12.5V bias, 45ma) gives 135 ohm (two paralleled 270 ohm resistors).
3. I have a concern with putting 90ma through the output transformer (the Hammond 125J), although a similar design is being sold with this exact transformer elsewhere. Also, given the transformer I'm using, is the choice of output impedance the better choice for single- and double-tube operation (the transformer has 2.5k and 4k taps)?
Any other thoughts/ideas/input is appreciated.
Here are a few questions.
1. Is this a good arrangement for the standby switch? The switches I have available are rated for 250VAC (which I can guess is not the same as 250VDC), are they suitable?
2. The 6P1P tube has two pins which are connected to the plate. This allows one to connect a bias resistor to one of the pins on each tube. When both tubes are in place, the resistors are paralleled (giving you a bias resistor of 1/2 Rb); but when one tube is removed, the remaining tube only sees one resistor, giving you a bias resistor of Rb. This allows me to pull one of the output tubes (to halve the power, for playing in smaller rooms) without doing any other fiddling. That said, what is the best choice of Rb? The original schematic called for 250 ohms (so two paralleled 500 ohm resistors), but using the values given for a 6AQ5 in the RCA tube manual (-12.5V bias, 45ma) gives 135 ohm (two paralleled 270 ohm resistors).
3. I have a concern with putting 90ma through the output transformer (the Hammond 125J), although a similar design is being sold with this exact transformer elsewhere. Also, given the transformer I'm using, is the choice of output impedance the better choice for single- and double-tube operation (the transformer has 2.5k and 4k taps)?
Any other thoughts/ideas/input is appreciated.