So I decided to add a VVR circuit to my Shiva/Hot Cat build and it behaves as expected under no load conditions but then drops 100V with the pot at 100% rotation when I put the power tubes in.
I have also used Zeners in the tail of the bridge rectifier to drop the supply to the general desired level. Could this cause a problem?
Here is a schematic of the power supply with the voltages under load and the pot at 100% rotation.
What have I done wrong? I think something isn't right as it doesn't seem like I'm getting the Zener voltage drop as I remember the plate node being around 360-370VDC before I added the VVR but this may be a red herring as I didn't note the wall supply...
I have also used Zeners in the tail of the bridge rectifier to drop the supply to the general desired level. Could this cause a problem?
Here is a schematic of the power supply with the voltages under load and the pot at 100% rotation.
What have I done wrong? I think something isn't right as it doesn't seem like I'm getting the Zener voltage drop as I remember the plate node being around 360-370VDC before I added the VVR but this may be a red herring as I didn't note the wall supply...