Going through this layout: the input jacks, preamp cathodes, vol control, are all tied to a 'star' like ground on the back of vol pot 2. Then, a wire is run from the back of vol pot 2 to the ganged 32uf/32uf filter cap. So, at this point, the "ground" of the preamp section is floating with respect to the chassis.

Knowing the company, this has to be by design? But don't you need to have that common "A" lug of the 32/32 cap can also tied to the chassis someplace (preferably far from where the power transformer is grounded).
I look up the mounting for these caps and that A lug is not tied to the case its just the common of the 2 x 32 caps.
all of the voltages in the preamp will be with respect to the common side of the 32/32?
Knowing the company, this has to be by design? But don't you need to have that common "A" lug of the 32/32 cap can also tied to the chassis someplace (preferably far from where the power transformer is grounded).
I look up the mounting for these caps and that A lug is not tied to the case its just the common of the 2 x 32 caps.
all of the voltages in the preamp will be with respect to the common side of the 32/32?